Chapter 5 - Birthday

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It was the morning of Ana's 9th birthday. She'd told Spencer that rather than a huge party she wanted to just hang out with him and the rest of the team, and have her Uncle Dave cook for her. So that was the plan, Penelope was going to decorate Rossi's house with balloons and such, Rossi would cook, JJ was going to pick up the cake, everyone was doing something. "Daddy! Daddy!" Ana shakes him awake excitedly. "It's my birthday!" She said as he woke. He smiled at her excitement as his mind drifts back to when she was first born. "Happy birthday, princess." Spencer says.

Flashback, 9 years ago -

Spencer stands in his apartment holding his newborn baby girl in his arms, looking at her with the most adoration possible. This little girl was going to be his entire world and he already knew it. Tears well up in his eyes as he thinks of her growing up without her mother, of how on earth he's going to be able to push past this. His heart was broken and she was the only thing keeping him sane anymore. She completed him. He didn't know how he'd work out the single dad thing with his job, for now he wasn't working and was devoting his time to grieving the recently murdered Maeve and being there for his daughter. There's a small knock on the door and Spencer places Ana back in the small basinet that sat in the living room before going to see who was at the door, it was Derek. Spencer hadn't talked to or seen anyone, other than his baby that is, since the day Maeve was killed. And that's not for his teams lack of trying. Penelope, JJ and Derek had all reached out a lot and he was grateful for his friends checking up on him of course but he wasn't ready to talk about it, he wasn't ready to accept that it was real. Derek had finally decided to just go down there and check on him. "Come on, kid. I know you're in there." Derek said knocking again. With a sigh Spencer caves and opens the door.
"Hey..." Derek says. Spencer steps aside and allows him to come in before closing the door behind him. "How are you holding up?" Derek asks. Spencer sighs, "I... I'm..." Derek interupts him with a hug. "I have to be strong for, Ana.... She'd want me to..." Spencer said starting to break down. "You can do this, Reid. We're all here." Derek assured him. Spencer nods. "Now, can I hold my niece?" Derek said making Spencer chuckle slightly and they walk over to Anabel.

Present Day -

Ana gets dressed up in her birthday outfit, leggings with a purple T-shirt that said 'birthday girl' and a matching hair clip. Spencer made her breakfast and they watched movies together until time to leave for Rossi's. Arriving there, Penelope has balloons and streamers and such every where. JJ had just arrived with a delicious looking ice cream cake and Rossi was in the kitchen finishing up the food. "Happy birthday, Ana!" Everyone greeted when they entered. Ana smiled looking around at everything, she thinks about how things would be if her mother were here and she wishes she was but she continues to smile as she's embraced by her amazing family. The food smelled amazing, there was a large gift table, everything looked great and this was going to be an amazing party. After a few hours of everyone spoiling Ana, they all head home and she unboxes some of her new things excitedly before bed. "Good birthday?" Spencer asked her with a smile. "The best!" Ana says happily.

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