Chapter 6 - Halloween

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Halloween was fast approaching

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Halloween was fast approaching. It was by far one of Spencer's favorite holidays, especially since Anabel absolutely loved it too. She was pumped about dressing up and trick or treating and she was pumped about the Halloween party the team had planned. Spencer took her out to a costume store where they browsed the rows of outfits, her eyes lit up at the sight of one particular costume.  It was a skeleton costume that had an adorable tutu. "Daddy!!" She excitedly showed him. "I take it this is the one you want?" Spencer chuckled taking the costume. "Yes!! I want to be a skeleton and the tutu is so cute." Ana said with a smile. "Okay." Spencer agreed, "What are you going to be for Halloween?" Ana asks him. "Hm I don't really know yet. What do you think?" Spencer responded as they continue through the store. "You could dress up like a pumpkin headed monster!" Ana says giggling, Spencer laughed and shook his head. "A Wolfman?" Ana suggests. He shakes his head again and she begins to think. "You could be a skeleton too." She suggested. Spencer agrees to that and they pick up the stuff they'd need for their makeup and some other things before heading home.

One of their favorite traditions had to be carving pumpkins together, Spencer of course didn't allow Ana to actually do the carving as he feared she'd get cut. She watches intently with a smile as he cuts into the pumpkin removing the top and setting it to the side. Now comes the part Ana could help with. She giggles as they begin to scoops the goopy innards out of the pumpkin. It really got everywhere. Suddenly with a mischievous grin Ana grabs a big handful of slimy pumpkin guts and flings it at her dad. Spencer gasps slightly as the pumpkin guts splater in his face. Ana bursts into fits of laughter. Spencer gets some of the guts on his finger before grabbing her and wiping it on her nose as she laughed and tried to wiggle away. Cleaning this all up was going to be a task. Especially now that it'd turned into a father daughter food fight. Spencer unlike most parents, really didn't care about the mess. They were having fun together. And that's what mattered to him.

They finish up their jack o lantern and get everything cleaned up before they decide to go and watch a Halloween movie. "That one." Ana said pointing at the screen. "No way, Ana. Pick something more age appropriate please." Spencer said, he cringed at the idea of his daughter watching a movie about brutal murders, especially since he knows those situations are all too real and she's only nine. There was no way he was letting that happen. "Daddy come on! I don't wanna watch a little baby movie." Ana whined. "Sweetheart, I love you and I know that you think you can handle it but it's not happening." He said. She rolls her eyes and sighs, "I can too handle it!" She argued. "The final answer is no. No horror film. Now we can watch something like hocus pocus or nightmare before Christmas or you can go to bed early if you'd rather keep giving me attitude." Spencer said firmly. "I like hocus pocus." Ana said with a soft smile, giving up the argument. "Good, I'll make us some hot cocoa." Spencer says kissing the top of her head before walking towards the kitchen.

On Halloween, at the team Halloween party. Spooky music plays over a speaker and they all hang out in costume. The kids all run around playing with each other and trading candies they'd gotten while trick or treating earlier in the evening while the parents chat. "Your makeup looks great, Spence." JJ said, "I've gotta say the father-daughter costume thing is making my heart melt." Penelope commented earning laughs from the others. "Halloween is kind of our thing." Spencer said with a smile as he glanced over at Ana playing and displaying to the other kids a magic trick he'd taught her earlier. "I know I've said this before but she is just like you, kid." Derek smiled shaking his head. "I know." Spencer smiled brightly, once again absolutely beaming with pride.


Omg so I just discovered the song linked above sung by MGG a couple of days ago and it's soooo cute. I love this man so much. But yes there are several references to the song in this chapter. Halloween is my personal favorite holiday too, I was even actually supposed to be born October 31 but came 10 days early lol. Anyway, point is happy gublerween everyone. Enjoy your spooky season!!!

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