Chapter 7 - Babysit

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Spencer had be asked to speak at a recruitment seminar with Rossi the following day and his babysitter had just cancelled on him last minute. "Seriously?!" Spencer accidentally said out loud in slight annoyance. "What's wrong, pretty boy?" Derek asked raising a brow at the sudden outburst. "My babysitter for tomorrow just cancelled and I have to go to a seminar with Rossi." Spencer sighed turning in his chair as Penelope walked in. His saving grace here. "Garcia, is there any chance you can watch Ana for me tomorrow?" Spencer asked. "Well Derek and I were planning a movie night. But we can make it kid friendly and she can join." Penelope smiled. "Kid friendly?" Derek said with slight disappointment in his tone before being elbowed by Penelope in the side. "Ok okay, kid friendly." Derek said with a chuckle.

The following day, Spencer is driving Ana to Penelope's apartment. "I'll be back to get you around 8 or 9 ok? And no guilt tripping your aunt and uncle for sweets. Best behavior." Spencer said as he began to give her the slight run down, "Okay, Daddy." Ana agreed as they pulled in. Getting out of the car, Ana grabs her kitten back pack that contained her tablet, headphones, snacks and some other random items she might want or need before she and Spencer made their way up to Penelope's apartment. "Hey, hey." Penelope says greeting them excitedly and she pulls open the door allowing them inside the colorfully decorated room. "Hi, Aunt pen.." Ana smiles rushing to hug her and then hugging Derek. Spencer chats for awhile before heading out to the seminar and then Penelope grabs a bowl of chips and some ice cream from the kitchen before joining Derek and Anabel on the couch. "So what are we watching anyway?" Derek asked as he snacked on the chips. "I was thinking we could let Ana choose." Penelope shrugged. Ana settled on one of the newer star wars movies and they started it, chatting back and forth about it.  Eventually it gets later, Ana is getting sleepy and is waiting on her dad to come pick her up. She dozes on Penelope's couch and Derek covers her with a blanket. "I think we make a great babysitting team, chocolate thunder." Penelope says, believing Ana was sound asleep the two launch into their usual not always so appropriate banter. Eventually Spencer gets there to pick up Ana, "Daddy!" Ana says happily hugging him, "I wasn't gone that long," Spencer chuckled a little at her enthusiasm, "I still missed you, silly. I always miss you when you're away." Ana says. It hurts his heart to have to be away from her so often and he always misses her just as much. After a little bit more talking the two head home. On the way there they discuss her evening with Garcia and Morgan and how much fun she had. Then finally she asks, "Daddy, what's a flarpy blunderguff?"curiously, Spencer's eyes widen in response having previously heard the definition from Penelope. He knew that's where she'd heard it from. " And how come Aunt Pen calls Uncle Derek..." Ana started, "Woah, lots of questions tonight." Spencer laughs nervously on the inside in disbelief they'd had this conversation in front of her, "Maybe you should ask your Aunt Penelope next time you see her. And I bet Uncle Derek will tell you all about the nickname." Spencer said smiling.

Arriving home, Spencer tucks Ana into bed and settles down in the chair next to her bed with a book of classic fairytales he read to her every single night. Spencer opens the book and begins to read as she snuggles up in her covers holding her stuffed bear he'd gotten her when she was a baby and listens to him intently. Eventually she falls asleep. He sets the large book aside before flipping off the light and exiting.
He pulls out his phone to text Penelope and Derek.

Spencer: Why is my child asking me what a flarpy blunderguff is?

Penelope: OMG NOOO, She wasn't asleep?

Derek: Oh no. What did she hear???

Spencer: Yeah and she wants to know about her uncle Derek's nickname.

Derek: Penelope, oh my god.

Spencer: Which nickname?

Penelope: my big black 12 pack 😥😭

Spencer: it's a good thing I told her to ask you guys about it later then.

Derek: REID

Penelope: You didn't! 😡

Spencer: Have fun with that.

Spencer laughed to himself before tucking his phone away, thinking about how he appreciates such great friends and about how hilariously curious his little daughter was. This explanation was going to be absolutely golden.

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