Chapter 8 - Peer Presure

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Some more time passed, and Anabel was 12 years old at this point and in high school. It was a bit difficult for her being around older kids all of the time but she dealt with it amazingly most of the time. After school, Anabel waits for Spencer to pick her up. "Ana." A girl calls her over, a girl she's rarely ever spoken to. "What's up, Shelby?" Ana asks approaching her and her friend. "Want a smoke, love?" Shelby asks discretely pulling out her pack of cigarettes. "No, thank you." Ana shakes her head, she'd already heard all of the horrific and dreadful statistics about cigarette smoke, underage drinking, drugs and everything from her dad and he'd have a cow if he pulled up and saw her smoking. "So innocent. Such a twelve year old." Shelby said earning a laugh from her friend, both she and the friend were 16 but in the same grade as Anabel. "So you're like super smart and complete your homework really early and we were wondering, if we give you 20 bucks a piece would you write our history papers?" Shelby asks her real question finally. Anabel stood there thinking, she could get her paper and theirs done in just a few hours and no one would ever know. But it was wrong. It was like helping them cheat. Then again there was this really cute jacket she'd been wanting, this way she'd get it a lot quicker than just saving up her weekly allowance. "Okay. I'll do it." Ana says. "Oh you're an absolute life saver, Hannah!" Shelby said taking a pen from her backpack she scribbled her phone number on Ana's hand. "It's Ana." Ana says slightly annoyed and fighting the urge to roll her eyes. "Right. That's what I said." Shelby smiles taking a long drag of her cigarette as Spencer pulls up. Ana gets into the car and buckles up. "What was that?" Spencer asked having seen the other girls smoking being fully aware of what peer pressure could do. "Nothing, Dad... I didn't smoke." Ana sighed. "Okay... Good." Spencer smiled extremely relieved, "How was school?" He asked, she goes on for a little while about bits and pieces of her day definitely not mentioning the deal with Shelby.
After dinner, Spencer suggests they watch a movie or something together. "I actually have a lot of homework." Ana said, "I could help." Spencer offers. "I'm good, Dad." Ana said, guilt started to set in then and there about what she was doing. Oh come on, Ana, you're not killing anyone, it's fine she thought to herself. No, no it's not fine, he knows Ana thought. She rises from her chair quickly. "Hold it." Spencer said making her freeze in place, "You're fidgeting with your charm bracelet and avoiding eye contact. Now you're rushing out of the room. What is it you're hiding, Anabel Reid?" Spencer questions as she sits back down. "Dad! Don't profile me. And please do not start acting like this is an interrogation." Ana whines. "If you just talk to me, I won't have to profile or interrogate you." Spencer says calmly. With a sigh, Ana decides it's time to spill the beans. "This girl. Shelby. She and her friend are paying me $40 to write their history papers for them." Ana admits, preparing to see the disappointment in his face. "Ana..." Spencer starts, "I know it's wrong and I know I can't do it and you'd be really disappointed if I went through with it. But I agreed to it and I don't know what to do." Ana says sadly. "First off, I'm very proud of you." Spencer smiles, Ana looks at him confused "Really?". " Yes, Really. You listened to your conscience and you saved me the lecture." Spencer says playfully Booping her nose towards the end like he always did to make her giggle or cheer her up. Ana smiles. "You give them the 40 dollars back and tell them you couldn't do it." Spencer said. "But I'm already the outsider because I'm twelve, if it gets out..." Ana says. "Tell them you started it but I caught you and wouldn't let you go through with it that way the blame is on your nerdy buzzkill of a Dad." Spencer said with a slight smile. Ana laughs, "You're not a buzzkill, just a little nerdy. But you're amazing. I love you, Daddy." Ana said hugging him. " I love you too." Spencer says kissing the top of her head, his thoughts start to swirl about the fact she was entering teenage years. This was going to be a wild ride.

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