A Light Supper

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3rd Person POV

"Diego this is a set up." Luther says, looking at the paper

Lilly sips on her glass of water

"Maybe." Diego says. "But we should go anyway."

"Says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week." Luther says

"Oh, don't worry, me and him are gonna have words." Diego says

"Would you tell him that he's nuts?" Luther says, looking at the twins

"I think we should go." Vanya says

Lilly chokes on her water

"Are you serious?" Lilly asks, looking at her sister

"See?" Diego says

"Why the hell would you wanna go?" Lilly asks with complete fear in her eyes

"Vanya, Half's right." Luther says. "Of all people, you two should hate Dad the most."

"Come on, can he really be that bad?" Vanya asks

Lilly covers her head in her hands

"When are you going to learn..." Reginald's voice says in her head. "When are you going to see? When are you going to realize, Lilliana? You... are...nothing."

Lilly lets out a small gasp at the words

"Well, let's see." Luther continues the conversation. "He isolated you two from the rest of the family."

"Kept y'all hopped up on pills." Diego says

"He brainwashed you into thinking you had no powers." Luther says. "And, convinced Half that she was nothing."

"Jesus, this guy." Vanya breathes

"Yeah." Luther says

"I mean, come on, I have to meet him." Vanya says

"What the hell..." Lilly trails off, tears pricking her eyes and her head still in her hands

Diego smiles at Luther

"You already know how this is gonna go." Luther says. "Dad is going to play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and he's gonna turn us all against each other. You watch."

"Luther, we're not 12 anymore." Diego says. "All right? We're grown ass men. And women. Hey. Hey. We can handle him. You wanna know what's different this time?

"What's that?" Luther asks

"You got me." Diego says. "We go in there as a united front. No more Number One or Number Two bullshit. From now on....it's Team Zero."

"Team Zero?" Luther asks

"Team Zero." Diego confirms. "All the way." He puts his fists out for fistbumps

No one fistbumps him


"Where are you going?" Luther asks, running out after Lilly

Lilly runs onto the street outside the house they were just in

"I'm leaving." Lilly says

"Where to?" Luther asks

"Away." Lilly says, turning around to him. "I don't wanna see...him."

"Why the hell not?" Luther asks

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lilly asks. "Just a few hours ago you were adamant about not going to this dinner thing. Now you're all for it?"

The Blue Dancer //Book Two// - Umbrella Academy - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now