The End of Something

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3rd Person POV


The young Umbrella Academy children walk outside with black umbrellas

Young Lilly and Vanya walk in sync, sharing an umbrella

They walk to Ben's coffin in the middle of the courtyard

Pogo walks forward

"Your father is ready to give the eulogy, children." Pogo says

"The world is full of injustice." Reginald says. "Good people die along with the bad. This cosmic equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully, there are powerful forces pushing back against the wicked and iniquitous, individuals who have the strength to pull together against insurmountable odds to face adversity with unblinking courage, and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for another. Unfortunately, none of you are such people. Despite years of training and weeks of preparation, you allowed Number Six to die on this mission."

"It wasn't our fault!" Young Allison tells their father through tears

"Excuses?" Reginald says. "I will not hear them! The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own, the consequences of which are dire. Hold on to this feeling, children. Let it fester in your there is never a next time. Training will be canceled today out of respect for your brother. We resume tomorrow at 6:00 am."

Pogo and Reginald leave

The young children remain

"It wasn't anybody's fault." Young Vanya tells the group through tears

"How would you know, Vanya? You are Half weren't even on the mission." Young Diego spits at the twins

Young Vanya and Lilly leave in tears

"Nice going, asshole." Young Luther says

"What?" Young Diego defends. "We were all thinking it."

"Oh, so you're thinking, Diego?" Young Allison remarks. "That's a first."

"Screw you!" Young Diego yells

"Hey!" Young Luther yells. "Dad was right. We shouldn't done more. This didn't have to happen."

The rest of the children argue

Young Klaus breaks away from the group, crying

He uses his powers, his hands glowing blue

"Klaus?" Comes the voice of Young Ben

Young Klaus turns around

"Where...where am I?" Young Ben asks

"You're back in the land of the living." Young Klaus tells him through tears. "It's been a total shitshow since you died. The family's a mess." He opens a flask and drink

"Listen, um...I need to go back." You Ben says

"What? No, why?" Young Klaus asks. "You just got here."

"I know." Young Ben says. "But there's a light, and they told me to walk into it."

"That thing?" Young Klaus scoffs. "Don't worry about it. You can go whenever you want."

"Are you sure?" Young Ben asks

"Yeah, 1000 percent." Young Klaus says. "Trust me, Benerino. It's not going anywhere. I'm the expert on the dead, remember? Hey, wanna watch me piss in Dad's gas tank?"

"Yeah, sure." Young Ben says

The two leave


The Blue Dancer //Book Two// - Umbrella Academy - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now