Chapter 42~ conflict

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When we get back I go back into the kitchen and sit on the bench

"Zo I'm sorry If I snapped at you just before"niall sighs rubbing the sides of his head with his palms

"Hmmm" I mumble keeping my head down and passing him going into the sitting room

I pick the blanket off the floor and pull it ontop of me

"Look I dunno what I did" he sighs

"Are you serious!" I shout at him

"Oh for gods sake Zo!" He yells

"Look I know you have a busy life and I understand but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on me I'm sick of it I haven't seen a proper smile from you in ages and don't tell me you just did before cause I can tell when you put it on!" I scream at him

"Look ive been going through a lot of St.." He says but I cut him off

"I know Niall do you think I never get stressed cause I do your not the only one who gets stressed!" I yell

"You are such a self centred bitch you know that" he says storming upstairs

I hear Niall sigh and slam the door

My phone starts to ring I pick it up its El

"Hey Zoe how are you"

"Uhh not so good" I sigh

"What's happened" she sighs

"Me and Niall just had a bust up" I tell her

"Don't worry Zo it will be fine"

"I guess your right El I just hate fighting with him that's all"

*hour later

I decide to go out looking for Niall I go down the street

I see him there he is and he's with...Barbra

I instantly start to get teary eyed when he hugs her tight just like he does with me has he been seeing her behind my back

I run back home and as I do so I ring El

"Hey zoe" she says

"E..l" I stutter

"Zoe what's up" she asks

"He's been two timing me El all this time" I say

"Are you sure" she says

" If you count basically being on top of each other in a cafe then yeah I'm sure" I mumble

"Can..can..i stay at yours for a bit" I ask her as I stuff as much stuff into my bag as I can

"Of course I'll see you soon babe" she says hanging up

I grab my stuff I decide to leave a note 'Niall
Ive been worried about you for a while now and I think I've answered my thoughts I came looking for you cause I got worried and I saw you in a cafe quiet smugly with Barbra I hope you two are very happy together I never thought it would end like this I really thought you loved me I gave everything to you everything I don't regret that but I do feel pretty stupid I still love you but you obviously don't love me
Love Zoe x'

I put the note down in front of me and leave my keys beside it

I walk down the street to Els flat


I knock on the door

"Zoe" she sigh hugging me and pulling me into the flat

"How are you feeling" she asks me handing me a cup of tea

"It feels like my world has been taken out from under me" I sigh sipping my tea with my shaky hands

"What exactly happened babe" she asks me rubbing my shoulder

"I haven't really been sure about him for a while now,and he just snapped at me and we argued he called me a bitch then he was gone for a long time so I went down the street looking for him and he was standing in a cafe with Barbra he's been acting strange for ages and now I know why" I try to smile

"Babe we will figure this out ok don't worry" she smiles

"I feel so guilty you and Louis are Nialls friends without him I wouldn't even know you" I sigh

"Babe you are both our friends and you haven't done anything wrong you might of said some things and regret them but you haven't cheated on him or gone behind his back me and Louis are with you 100% but we are still going to be nice to Ni and figure this out ok" she smiles hugging me

"Thank you" I mumble into her hair

"No problem" she smiles

"Louis is in the kitchen making dinner want some?" she asks me and I nod my head

"I'll go tell him you go put on some pjs
" she says

"Ok" I sigh going up to the spare room

I go into my bag and get out my shorts a pj top and put them on I put my hair into a bun my hands still shaking

I start to cry and sit in the corner of the room sliding down the wall clenching my fists infront of me

Why did this have to happen to us it's awful why did he do that to me

So many questions rush through my head causing me to scream and knock over a vase

Louis instantly runs in the room and crouches by my side

"Shh everything's going to be okay" he hushs

"I'm so sorry" I cry pointing at the vase

"Don't worry about that Hun it's just a stupid vase" Louis chuckles hugging me

"It's alright just calm down I think you should get some sleep" he sighs as I put my head on his shoulder and start to close my eyes

I feel him lift me up bridal style and put me on the bed pulling the covers over the top of me

"Your safe now we'll get to the bottom of this" he whispers into my ear kissing my forehead

As soon as I hear the door shut I go straight on my phone ive had it switched off for 3hours

As soon as it switches on my phone starts to vibrate like crazy 7 new voice mails from niall 50 texts from niall

I dunno if I can bare to listen to his voice it will just send me running back to him

I decide to ignore him I have an idea

I get my phone and dial Simons number

"Hey si you know how you wanted me to have a new song ready for my show tomorrow well I've got one"

*next day (afternoon)

After going to Simons all morning avoiding paps and Nialls calls him in person

I get back to El and Louis flat

I go through the door to be confronted by Louis

"Hey Lou" I say

"Zoe when was the last time you talked to Niall" he asks me

"Not since we had a bust up" I sigh

"Zo he's deversated you won't even hear him out" he tells me

"Louis I'm just scared I don't know who to trust anymore" I mumble going into my room and slamming the door

*a week later

It's my birthday and I'm just about to go on stage for my first ever performance without the boys so far my birthday has been crap as ever.

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