Ch. 24: Die for your Sin

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    "How's the new pad?" Maks asks when we're in the limo to the recording studio.
   "I think it's prefect for temporary living," I say and lean back. These past few days I've been handling the company of others pretty well, Jotaro the other day took me out to the store for clothes and encouraged me to focus on something other than the people around me. Typically I don't have a problem with less than five people and he noticed that when I'm really focused on something I completely ignore every one else, like when I tackled that man bombing the hospital.
   Maks nods and we meet our destination. He helps me out of the car and he shuts the door for me before we walk inside the giant building. We are sat aside for maybe ten minutes before we're brought to the recording room. A giant room with a green screen and a camera and a desk are presented to me and I sit infront of both.
   Staff shuffle with technology and such and I wait for my time to speak, but each second that passes a new fear is added to my anxiety. I'm going to make a fool of myself, they won't liste- no, I can't be thinking that way. I shut my eyes and wish Jotaro was here to ease me himself, but he's not and I have to get used to this. Inhale, give the speech for dad, exhale, what they think wont concern you when your message is brought across. "We're airing in five, four-"
   I get myself together and put my glasses on, a technology that shows me the speech I wrote and edited for days on end at home and at the office. The cameras roll and they're on me. I breath my finale time before speaking. "Good morning Russia, my name is Y/n Y/l/n, and I am the representative of the National Earth Health Association or the E. H. Association, our main goal is to better our country and ultimately better the lives of the citizens who live here, but today I'm speaking concerning Russia's oil company.
   On the 29th of June, my step father Konstantin Oblonsky developed an invention that can change our lives forever," I say and the room goes dark before I illuminate it with a 360° hologram showing a virtual illustration of the windmill, "not even a day after making this wonderful invention he was assassinated by my own mother, a woman later found out to be with the oil company and specifically the CEO, Dio Brando," a picture of him lights up the hologram when I summon it and have to remember to breathe.
   "A first person source who has decided he doesn't want to be mentioned in this speech today," Jotaro, "met Mr. Brando in Japan during it's tragic fall as a cult leader, our source said he didn't understand why Mr. Brando chose the place he did for his satanic rituals but nonetheless did, the source himself saying he was going to be sacrificed to Brando along with another man. "There are men under Mr. Brando who also want my head, their goals overall is unclear though, this is speech to the public as a proposal to over throw Dio Brando and replace him, not only for Brando's cult but for killing my step father, a man who wanted nothing but to better Russia, and before he could even share his discovery he was shot in the head in his own home." I stop the hologram and the lights are back on, I lean on the desk with my elbows and dramatically and hold my hands to keep them from shaking when I look into the camera, "the decision is in your hands, will you allow Dio to continue his rotten beliefs and behavior or will you aid the E. H. Association in removing his position?" I say finally, and as suddenly as the cameras rolled they now stop.
   The staff and Maks give me a round of applause and I smile before puttinv my glasses back into my shirt pocket. "That was fantastic Y/n!" Maks says and pats my back, at this point my gun wounds have healed just enough to not need bandages and where he pats doesn't even make me flinch.
   I scoff, "I was scared shitless," I say and bring my hands up to show him how shaky they still are. This is a great mile stone I hot today, giving a speech and focusing on the presentation, I can't  wait to tell Jo-
   A window shatters and before the bullet can hit the back of my head my stand catches it, but Maks doesn't have a stand to stop the bullet from hitting his head. Next to me his brains splatter and the staff are dead silent beyond disbelief, no. Nonononononononono-
   Open. Why him? Why Maks, he has nothing Dio wants? It should've been me?! I can't... my body I'm sure would be ticing right now if I was in it, but im not. The window is shattered and that it's self tells me how powerful that sniper was. The building across from this one has a blue flame, but the worst thing is, there's a blue flame other than mine in the room. I grab his flame and I feel his consciousness trembke in my wake, "are you with Dio?!" I shout and my fury is lava, smooth and patient yet devastating to cross paths with.
   "Where am I?!" He knows he can't lie when he shouts back at me but I squeeze his flame harder and I feel his pain for mine, a brain crushing pain that only I can bare. I feel him give out and he succumbs to my will, "YES, yes, please don't kill me?" He begs.
   "Is that sniper with Dio?"
   "Ye-yes, but we don't know eachother stands!" He says and I feel him tremble. I've had enough of him and if I were a monster I'd show my fat, sharp teeth at him before eating him.
     I crush his flame without a second thought and his flame deceases, he had a pretty powerful stand, he could turn people and things to gum, strange as it is, it was one of Dio's favored stands. The other stand user is too far for me. Close.
   The world resumes and his body falls, but when I quickly turn my head the sniper starts running. I shove away a staff member and summon my stand to lend me her legs. It's now or never. I sprint faster than I ever had before and leap to the other building two hundred meters from the one I'm in, I feel like im flying through the air and in a quick second I almost miss the window the shooter was in, but my stand grabs the edge before hualling me inside the building. I made it just in time to see the sniper running up the stairs, and chase him. Why would he run up stairs? I can't use my ability to see his plans because it needs a recharge time of what I found out is twenty minutes. I chase him up the stairs and the dangerous part about this is that I don't know what his stand ability is.
   I jump up and grab the stair rail before hualling myself up and the sniper runs into me in shock, and he's about to pop another bullet into me, but can't when slam my fist to his wind pipe, but instead of passing out his just grabs my puching arm and throws me to the wall and I definitely know there's a briuse. Astronomically high pain tolerance, huh, throat punches are so handy too.
  He's punch could literally kill me, with his high pain tolerance he won't have the fear of pain from breaking his hand if he punches me too hard. He's hand is on my throat pining me in place when he winds up his other hand, this poor bastard is about to eat shit. In a quick motion I slap his hand off my neck and tackle him down the stairs. He turns me but I don't care when I turn him back around. 5... he punches me agian. 4... i dodge it and grab his hair to keep his head in place when I elbow his nose, he can't breath properly now. 3... he's choking on his blood when I let go of him. 2... we're about to crash into the cement at the end of this curly stair way. 1... I'm quick to grab the rail of the stair way and I scream bloody murder when I feel my shoulder rip out of place when I only manage one hand to grab the rail, but I watch him fall, and like an egg his head cracks and his brains leak out.
   I don't look for long when I haul myself over the stair with my other hand.

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