Ch. 28: God's Mistake

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     The bunker is far to big to be a bunker. On a wall is a map of the underground network amd I take a picture of it.
    Jotaro takes off the mask, surprised to find the air clean, "where is everyone?" He asks.
    "I can only assume Dio's strongest followers are here, there were a lot at the building," I say, "I can't use Seven of Swords, it's still recharging," I say.
    "Damn," he comments, "it's not so bad in here," he says and I assume he refers to the smell when I take off my own mask.
    I inspect the map deeper, "this network has a really good electricity and running water," I say in shock looking at the map.
    "Makes sense for a bunker," Jotaro replys and we begin to follow the map. Before my heart would have leapt out of my chest in fear for each step I take now. I don't know why it's not clawing at me to get out while I still can, in fact its pushing me to go deeper to destroy Dio.
    "you've found me?" A voice says and I go rigid. Where is it coming from? "The stand user's I sent to you were so powerful too," he says, I know they were, that's why I set their souls free. Jotaro and I summon our stands, "wait- is that Star Platinum?" Dio laughs and we still don't know if he's speaking through speakers or he's with us right now in the hall way.
      Time stops, "nice to see you agian, Joot-taro was it?" He growls and I can't move but I can see it happening.
      "Jotaro, and you were Domino, right?" Dio scoffs a laugh at his comment.
      "Humorus, to think you'd come back to die?" He says and drops down from a door, "die for me at that- oh? Y/n is here?"
      I still can't move when Jotaro throws the first deadly punch with Star Platinum, damnit if only I could use Seven of Swords. Time resumes after eight seconds and Dio is unscathed, "that was a good one," he says and his own stand throws a punch at Jotaro only for it to be dodged.
     I set Siren behind Dio when she kicks behind his knees but he takes the opportunity to back hand spring into Siren for his own stand to tackle Siren down to immobilize her. Our advantage is that it's two agianst one and that he doesn't know Siren's ability, I only have two minutes until I can use it but I dont know if we can hold out for two minutes.
     After Siren's tackled, Star Platinum goes in with a devastating kick to Dio's abdomen only for that to be blocked too when Dio's stand goes in front of him, fucking damnit, "you're as fast as I remember," Dio says and Siren goes in to side hammer fist his neck from behind only for that to be blocked as well, but she grabs the stand's arm and throws him.
    "Star Platinum: the World!" Jotaro shouts and time stops with it's deafening ring before he repeatedly punches Dio only for it to be blocked by his stand once agian, damnit- I remember something... in a quick unsuspecting movement Siren knees Dio in the spine and his stand falters. One more minute!
    Time resumes and Dio isn't dead when Star Platinum punches Dio's stand in the face. Dio stumbles and spits out a tooth with blood and a bruise being the reminder of what happened just now, "you bastard-!"
     I slam Dio into the wall and as expected, he's all talk no action. He claws at the hand I have on his throat and when his stand now blurry from his lack of oxygen goes to attack me Siren punches his stand right as I elbow his nose with my other hand and inside me I'm a beast who wants to eat him whole. I wrap my hands around his shoulders and slam his gut into my knee, "this ones for the people you've tourtured!" I slam my knee into him agian and tears fall, "this one's for Maks!" I smash the back head into the wall and he claws my hand in his hair to no avial, "these are for my dad's!" I shout, and when I slam when he drops to the floor I kick his limp, disgusting body. SEVEN OF SWORDS! The world is stopped and Dio looks at me in horror, "and this one, is for making the mistake of thinking I wouldn't kill you."

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