Ch. 27: Seven of Swords

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    He hisses with each shard of glass our stands pull out of his knees in the bathrooom. I rushed him inside away from the starting eyes and into the bathroom to take care of him because we don't have a nurse.
     He squeezes my hand, "Good fucking greif," he growls out and smashes a fist on the toilet paper dispenser. My stand drops a particularly nasty looking shard she pulled out of his knee into the pile of them on a thing of toilet paper.
    "You're doing good Jotaro, we got the big peices out," I say and he's red and slightly sweaty and panting.
     "Damnit y/n! Why were you even falling out of the window?!" He asks and both our stands move onto the smaller peices.
    "I was attacked by a stand user," I say.
    He groans, the feeling of stand fingers carefully going into his skin must be strange, "why didn't you call for me?"
    "I'm sorry, I couldn't," I say.
    I don't think he's mad at me, I think he's worked up from being hurt, "fine, whatever," he says.
    I give him a kiss on the cheek when he's all rigid from the pain.

    "What is Dio's group planning?" He asks when we get out of the bathroom. After picking out all the glass I opened a first aid box in the bathroom and cleaned him up and wrapped his knees.
    "I don't know," I say honestly, "there was a meeting he held with his followers to send out that copy cat stand user I mentioned to you, but there was no plan made for if she failed."
    He walks with me into the elevator, "then we need to make a plan to get to him first before he gets to us-"
    "Jotaro, that's a great idea, but in all the memories I looked at, none of them took place in the actual company's building," I say.
    He sighs, "we can't wait around for another att"
     "Yes we can, because he has a fragile sense of masculinity, if there's anyone stronger than him he kills them as sacrifice or brain washes them before they're teenagers, typical for cult leaders," I say, "I only underestimate him because you're a prime example of how weak everyone's stand is, not to mention with all the brain washing and torture they can't think right and are unbalanced making it even more difficult to kill us," I say.
    He nods, "fair point," he says, "you need to post as a double threat," he says, "Dio probably thinks I'm dead naturally because of Japan, this can be an advantage," he says. When we reach my level I get into my office.
     "What do you have in mind?"

     Yesterday I was attacked by one of Dio's men and quickly and scheduled another speech, this ensures none of Dio's men are on me, either as staff or else where. Jotaro stand with the camera crew and he winks at me.
    "We air in 5..." I fix my blazer and adjust my necklace and hair, "we're live!" The camera man says and the red light is on.
    "Good morning Russia, I am Y/n Y/l/n and am the new CEO of the E. H. Association, and I am speaking agian today as a confession," I say and stand, I fake a hesitant look before I stand. "I have the ability to stop time," I say and on cue Jotaro quietly uses Star Platinum: The World.
    He picks me up and moves me, "you're doing good baby," he says and I wish it wasn't just my conscienceness that could move through time. I'm placed behind the camera next to where Jotaro was previously standing and even the staff is impressed.
    When I sit down I speak agian, "I discovered this ability when I was a child, and today is the first day of my life where I confessed my ability to the world, and today I felt that if I'm going to change the lives of Russia, I have to be vulnerable to the world," pun intended.
   And like that the live ends. Dio's gonna shit his pants when he sees this.
     When we get to the office, as expect dozens of cars are in the parking lot and Dio's men look for my employees who I let off for the day, all because I planned this, but when they see me finally it's too late. Open.
    "Where is Dio's hide out?" I ask the flames. The tremble in fear and they don't reply. I walk closer to all of them, "well?" I ask with a unnerving patience while summoning a peice of each flame, every one of the flames screams in pain and agony yet none of them speak, "where is Dio's hide out-"
    "There's a place!" One of them screams and the rest fume in anger to the one who replied.
     "Do tell?"

     I put out everyone's flame in a matter of seconds and they all drop dead. "You know, I've been wondering for a while," Jotaro says and I turn to him curious.
    "Do you have a name for your stand?"
   I straighten my back, "I've been thinking for a little while, and I think I'll call her Siren, and her ability is the seven of swords," I reply.
   "That's pretty bad ass," he says and we get in the car.
    "I know right," I say and lean forward  and type in the beach in the car's GPS.

     We park the car and the sea is a disturbing brown. Jotaro cringes, "if they're in a bunker the smell of rot and bird shit has to ruin the the interior of it," Jotaro comments and he's right, it does smell like rot even inside the car.
   A shiver goes through me, and I turn to Jotaro with a grim face and dead honest words, "if we die, I want you to know that I love you."
   I'm not sure if I'm insulted when he laughs, "you tell me that every time I fuck you just right," he says and snorts.
    I slap his arm, I'm thankful he lightened the mood, "alright pretty boy~" I tease before I open the door to be greated with the most disgusting smell before I put on my emergency mask I always keep on me. I shake off my negative thoughts after shutting the door behind me and Jotaro comes out.
    "Ugh, it's fucking nasty!" He shouts and gags.
    "Put on the mask I gave you dumbass!" I say before laughing at him, after he does we march into the sea glass shore.
    "How are we supposed to even find the bunker?" Jotaro asks and kicks giant chunks of sea glass.
     "There's a trap door during low tide that leads into it," I say and start looking for a strange handle that looks like it's not supposed to be there-
     "FUCK!" Jotaro screams followed by a ting, and when I look behind me he's crouched over holding his boot, "I think I found it!" I can't belive this is the man I want to marry.
     I rush over and make sure he's alright before we twist open the trap door to find a ladder, "I'll go first," he says and I let him go before I follow and twist close the trap door, "right now it's  8:45 AM, high tide is at 2:00 PM, that gives us six hours before we're trapped in her till next week," I say.
    He cracks his neck and a switch and him makes him go serious, as if earlier he couldn't have cared less, "got it," he says.

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