Ch. 13: the Convincing

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Yesterday I tought Jotaro how to drive in my car to pass the day. He did a pretty good job for his first time, then we went out to get him a learners permit, because he's not 18 we found out he needs his permit for six months before he can test for his license, but we didn't really care, as long as he had some sort of ID he was fine, and earlier that day Mom sent me a copy of Jotaro's old school ID the government was able to recover.

I wake up early to the call from the women I spoke to yesterday. I put some oitments on my wounds before I get dressed in an easy button up that I steal from Jotaro before putting on black skinny jeans.
I'm looking up the address to the building where the meeting will take place when Jotaro wakes up, "is that my shirt?" He asks groggily.
"Techniqly, it's my Dad's," I say before I send the address through my phone to my car, "get dressed, we leave in ten minutes," I say and put on some light eyeliner and mascara.

Jotaro dismissed me to the car to wait for him as he looked for clothes to wear, and after twenty minutes he gets in the car in a suit without its tie and his black, wavy hair gelled back.
He's beauty is beyond real. I pretend im not impressed, "what took you so long, I wanted to leave five minutes ago," I say and pull out of parking.
He looks at me scornfuly and suddenly his whole aura is dramatic in a suit, "I stole it from the laundromat next door and did the best with what I had," he says. He's such a pretty boy despite how much he hates being called that, he cleans his nails the whole drive with his legs crossed and I seriously make it an effort not to tease him about it, the last thing we want is for him to be grumpy.
I park my car and we go in the building. We arrived two minutes early and are lead to Mr. Yegorov's office. When he sees us he dismisses the women who lead us here before he turns off his holographic papers displayed in front of him. "Good morning!" He says and approaches us from out of his seat. He's far more charming than the articles and interviews show him to be. He puts out his hand and I have to hide how nervous I am, "you must be Ms. Zhutov?"
I take his hand and shake it with a welcoming smile that hides my anxeiy, "please, call me Y/n, Mr. Yegorov," I say. I have to establish a friendly relationship with him if I'm going to be working with him and his Association.
He returns the welcoming smile, "in that case you may refer to me as Maks, Y/n," he says before he moves on to Jotaro who holds his hands behind himself, "you are?"
I'm more nervous, "this is Kujo Jotaro, he's one of the Japanese survivors, he's still learning Russian," I explain.
Maks goes rigid, "is that so? Well, my fullest respects are to you Mr. Kujo."
"What is he saying?"
"He says your hot."
"Stupid, what did he actually say?"
"Sorry, I'm nervous, he said you have his respect," I say finally.
Maks gestures to the sofa chairs in front of his desk, "take a seat please," he says and we do. "What would you like to talk about today?"
I get paranoid, "are there cameras or wires?" I ask.
Maks is confused but answers nonetheless, "no, why?" He says.
I breathe, it's now or never, if I don't get my shit together I won't be able to convince. I take out the USB in my pocket, "this is my step father's computer in this USB," I say and put the USB on the table for Maks. "He was an engineer, and the night before he was murdered in his own home he wanted to sell Vladivostok his invention, a windmill that essentially took air pollution and filtered it and while turning pollution into energy," I explain.
Maks plugs the USB into a port and puts on his glove to summon his hologram and expanding it for me and Jotaro to see before giving me the glove for full control of it, "please show," he asks curiously. He's invested, but skeptical.
Holograms with control gloves are far more expensive then holograms like the one at the hotel for example whitch are more like monaters. When I slip on the glove it tightes and adjusts itself like a living creature before it fixes itself tightly yet maneuverably on my hand. I swipe the long hologram 360° around us and Maks kindly shuts the blinds and claps the lights off. "My step father had worked under himself for years, designing and perfecting this one invention, his goal was to save Russia and humanity from it's own poison, in the air and in the water," I say. I pull up Dad's file and scroll through all the the notes he made before finally scrolling to the bottom where he put a picture of the illustrated design of the windmill.
My eyes water remembering Dad and seeing the happiness in him when he woke me up and I have to breath to focus, "now you maybe wondering, "why am I showing this to you when I can be showing it to the city?" Well, here's why," I say and exist out of the file and into his email where I show Maks the email, "after emailing the city, my father got an email from the country's oil company to buy his invention. When he declines the offer, he receives death threats and an hour later in killed," I say, "we think maybe emails are going through the governments to the oil company for whatever reason."
Maks reads the emails carefully before I close out of them, "well," he says, "how much do you want for it?"
"A job at the company."
He laughs and thinks I'm joking, "you're not 18 though?"
"You weren't either when you got your first job at the oil company to see what was really happening inside, right?" I read up on Maks many times, both of my Dad's were interested in him so I did my own research, Maks was 14 when he worked as a spy agianst the oil company and managed to sue them twice, the first for it's employee mistreatment and the second from unauthorized dumping of chemicals in the ocean.
"I admit," he says and I take off the glove and give it back to him after he claps the lights on, "I respect your integrity and passion, and we do need a new representative of the company," my heart races and I have to focus my breathing, "but what are your qualifications?"
"I'm an instructor at my martial arts studio, I have experience in engineering, mathematics, and science, I graduated Highshool last year at 15 and am about to enroll into the International University of Reinhardt as a Major in political science, and have work experience in retail." I share honestly.
Maks recalls the hologram and unplug the USB from it's port, "do you have ID and your medical records on you?"
"I do," I say and unlock my phone and he follows. I pull up my drivers license and medical files and send them to him with air drop.
He looks through it and nods, "I'll need your bank account info and a way to contact you and we should be done here." I give him both.

Jotaro and I get in the car and my adrenaline buzzes me out like caffeine, "what happened?" Jotaro asks.
"I'm the new representative of the Association."

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