"Are You Alright?"

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⚠️ Cursing ⚠️

Amity's POV

As I was sitting on the bed with my leg in a cast, watching the blue glowing orb a sudden uproar of voices came from out in the hall. "Amity!" I turned my head to the door as Ed slid in, almost throwing himself to the ground when entering. He was clearly out of breath, panting and wheezing, I tried to get up but the pain pushed me back down. Somethings wrong.

"Amity! Luz, she's in trouble" Was all he managed to get out before he clutched his knees and fell to the ground, I grabbed the crutches that had been placed next to me and hop over to him. "Boscha and Em" He stuttered his words out, the exhaustion from running all the way here holding him captive.

"What happened to Luz?" He struggled to get up, placing his hand on the bed and finally catching his breath "Luz went after Boscha. Me and Em tried to stop her but she tackled Boscha to the ground, Em is trying her best to stop it but Luz won't listen to anyone!" Honestly, I didnt believe him at first but then I thought back to Luz's final moments in the room with me the nodding and leaving immediately after I said Boscha was the one behind it that made me realize what Edric was saying is true.

"Edric take me out there now!" I yelled at him, throwing myself into his arms so he could pick me up and run me to Luz. I held my crutches tightly as he picked me up bridal style, running in the direction the chants were coming from.

We reached the crowd of people that were surrounding the three caught up in the fight. Emira was standing close to Luz, holding her with one arm as she cast a spell with another. Luz was holding her hand to her arm and yelling at Boscha only to be met with words and insults thrown back at her "Oh what this time? Are you ashamed of being little miss different Luz? Do you want to beat me up and show me who's boss? What's wrong-" Boscha cut her sentence off and started to walk towards my sister and Luz she reached her hand out to Luz as Emira stepped quickly in front, "Don't you fucking dare touch her Boscha."

I sat there in Edric's arms with my crutches in my hands, wide eyed as tears ran down my face. I was shocked, and so was Edric, we had never heard Em's voice go so dark as it had.

I snapped my fingers in his face, snapping him out of his faze and he pushed through the last few people to get to Luz and Emira. She was now in front of Luz, hands out in full sister protective mode. "Boscha I swear to everything do not lay a hand on her." I gained the strength to say, Boscha turned her head, as Em did the same, and stared at me. Em moved to my side as I moved in front of Luz hopping with my hurt leg and  crutches, Edric joined us and soon all three of us were in front of Luz who was still holding her eye.

"Boscha, we'll give you five seconds before we beat your ass." Emira shouted out at the pink haired Witch, with me glaring at her and Edric having half a spell ready. Boscha clasped her hands together and started laughing, she had a few marks on her face indicating that Luz had landed a few hits. "Listen, its fun playing with you Blights but I'm not the one who started this." She smiled and looked at Luz, I followed her in doing so with Ed and Em still glaring at the girl. "Look at her. Can't even get in a fight without someone rushing to her side, you three are pathetic." I turned my attention towards the girl that I had been in love with.

Luz's hand had bruised clearly from throwing a punch or two, she looked at me, tears running down her face as her body moved ridgely. "Boscha." Luz managed to get out before tumbling her way through me and Emira, "Boscha!" She screamed and rushed herself at the girl who was taken by shock, Luz knocked her down and through a couple hits but Boscha kicked her in the stomach and got her off.

Luz sat there curled up, clutching her side and coughing sickly. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled at Boscha, pushing myself forward onto her and ignoring the pain that came from my lower body.  I grabbed Boscha by her shirt, pulling her close to my face "You will not touch her again or I swear to the gods that I will start a fire." I spun my finger, a quick spurt of fire erupted in my hand, leaving Boscha stunned.

"You wouldn't." I squinted at her and clutched the fabric tighter.

"Try me." I tried to bite back the pain that was coursing through my body, my leg bound to give out at some point.

Boscha looked at me and held her hands up, "Fine." she muttered, I let her go and she dropped to the ground with me joining her soon after.

"Amity!" Luz fell to the ground next to me, clutching her arm and looking at me as I grabbed my leg in pain. "I'm sorry, its my fault I shouldn't have done that-" I cut her off, "Luz stop." I took my hand and cupped it around her cheek wiping a tear from her face.

Edric grabbed Luz's hand, helping her up, as Emira came to my aid. She helped me up at first, I winced at the slight pain. Luz grabbed my fallen crutches and handed them to me, her hand moving back to her arm. Emira helped steady me as a start to stumble, I turned to Luz as she pushed away Edric pointing towards Boscha who was now brushing off the dust from her shirt. Edric cast a spell which wrapped a blue glowing rope around her waist and pulled her towards us, "You're coming with us." He choked on his words, nervously looking at me as I nodded. Emira turned her head slightly towards me, I glared at her. "She looked like she needed help, so thats what I did" I turned my head away from her but then gave her a thank you and smiled.

We got back to the room I was previously held in, Luz sitting next to me in a chair as healers came to our aid once again. "It'll take two weeks for your leg to heal, since you decided it was a good idea to stand on it." The healers words were sharp and sarcastic, she rolled her eyes and walked away.

I turned to Luz who was rubbing her thumb against her cast, looking down at the ground. "Hey" She snapped her head back up to me, a tear forming in her eye, "Are you alright?" I asked her, she modded slightly and looked back to the ground. I turned my head toward the door and saw Emira peek her head inside the room, "Hey sis? We're gonna go tell the folks. We'll be back to check on you two" I gave her half a smile, as she left. Boscha straightened her back against the wall, she had been standing in the corner looking at the damage she had caused.

"I'm sorry" Boscha muttered the words making me tilt my head slightly, "You're what?" She looked at me then rolled her eyes, "I said I'm sorry. I went overboard, especially with the human." She eyed Luz and slightly pointed up to her, Luz still looked at the floor barely moving at the comment. I sighed and just nodded, my attention turning back towards Luz.

"Luz?" She looked at me and stood up, coming closer she hugged me with her arm that wasn't hurt. I left my hands on her back for a moment, being careful with her arm. "Amity I'm sorry" She said, her voice was soft and subtle you could barely hear it. "Its alright Luz, there's no harm done." Obviously that was an exaggeration, my leg was practically broken and her arm was just as hurt with her knuckles still bruised badly.

She laid on the bed next to me, her free hand holding mine. She looked up to Boscha who had now moved to the end of the bed, Boscha rubbed her neck and struggled to speak.

"Amity, it was your parents idea."

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