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They went back to where they killed the guys from before, they took their guns and moved the bodies. 

"I need to find someone to help us, your arm and my injures are just. Well we shouldn't try to move the thing blocking the stairs." She looked around try to think of where everyone would be, Min, RJ, A, all of them.

"I could try to move it with my good arm." Z turned to him, and told him he was an idiot.

"Let's try to go to the kitchen, wait no. The shooting range, we would be able to find some weapons and some bullet proof vests there." She turned to Lucky, he nodded in approval and they started their way the the range.

After a good walk they got there. 

"I'm sure there will be people here, watch your back." Z moved into the room. She held her gun up and walked as carefully as she could, Lucky behind her.

They heard some talking.

"She should be dead by now." A man's voice slightly yelled out.

"No, she's not that easy to kill. We sent most of her men away but that doesn't mean some of them didn't stay. The last thing we want is for her to find us." Another man's voice replied.

"Well then, Let's go shall we?" Z whispered, Lucky smirked and nodded. She shot one of them, Lucky got the other one. Both headshots, they died on impact.

"Let's go!" They heard more men come around them. Z looked them all in the eye.

"You really want to die by my hand?" She asked, they turned to gun on themselves and fired. Z smirked.

"I've still got it!" She squealed slightly. Lucky chuckled and walked past them and grabbed two vests and ten guns.

"Let's go." He turned to her, she nodded and they left. They went from room to room, the lights never turning on and the red lights never stop blinking. They were wearing the vests and had at least five guns each. The first gun she used only had a few more bullets until they would have to throw the away.

They finally saw RJ, he was shot in the stomach and couldn't move. He crawled his way to the hospital room with one hand. And fixed himself up a bit, he then sat outside of the hospital. He waited for someone to see him and either help him or to kill. 

"RJ! How are you? How much blood did you lose?" She asked, he opened his eyes and saw her with Lucky.

"Not good," He swallowed hard and was breathing harder. He was pale and sweat covered his face. "They caught me off guard and shot me in the stomach, I'm lucky to be alive." He tried to smile but he was in to much pain.

"We'll get you out of this. Don't worry, we'll take you back inside and make sure you are safe." She picked up an arm, Lucky picked up his other one. They both hurt but getting RJ to safety was more important. They picked him up and carried him inside. They locked up the door and left. 

"We need to get up five storeys without an elevator or stairs. How we'll get do it?" Z turned to Lucky, he smiled.

"I have an idea, and you might love it or hate it." Next thing she knew they were outside, and climbing up the side of the house, one with a hole in his arm and the other with broken ribs. They didn't have rope of anything keeping them from falling to their deaths. They fall and it's game over.

"I hate this idea!" She screamed to him, it was slightly windy and very cold out. He chuckled and continued to climb, he was ahead of her but not by much. 

"When we get up to the roof, we need to break the door down. This way we can get in!" He yelled to her, she nodded and they continued to climb, her fingers started to freeze. She couldn't feel them anymore. Her breathing slowed down and she was hurting with every breath she took. 

"Z! You okay?" Lucky yelled down to her, he was almost there. She nodded and continued to climb, she took her time though. But if she took to much she wouldn't make it. Lucky got the roof and looked down to her, she was still climbing her fingers losing their grip. She would fall soon, she knew it, he knew it. 

"I'll come to get you! Hold on!" He climbed down and grabbed onto her with his hurt arm. He pulled her up along with him for a bit. She was blowing onto her hands as fast as she could, trying to warm them up. Her breath fastened, she was afraid that she would take them both down with her. 

"I got you, don't worry." He whispered, she looked up to him.

"Liar, I got you." She grabbed onto the building again, her grip a lot stronger than it was before. She'd be damned if this is how she dies. If she got this far only to fall and die. Like hell she would. She started to climb, Lucky following closely behind. Tears covered her vision slightly, the pain was killing her. He was biting his lip, he didn't want her to know how much pain he was in, in the moment. She was doing the same. When she got up, she fell to her knees. It hurt but she was alive, nothing could be better. Lucky climbed up not long after. They both were out of breath, every breath they took in was a sharp and cold.

"You okay?" He asked his breathing was heavy. She nodded, she was trying to swallow but her mouth was dry. She looked down to her hands, they were red and purple. Her cheeks matched a similar red. Lucky looked to his arm, it was bleeding again. He hid it from her. 

"Let's go. We don't have much time." He helped her up and they walked to the door. It was locked, the hard part was over. Or so they thought.

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