Life's Crazy

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21 and it's crazy
We even went half on a baby
Never thought you would betray me
Falling out of love , the feeling is crazy
You always felt like u made me
But in reality the idea is crazy
Let the truth be told i made u
elevated you , I raised you
Watered you , and nourished you
I watched u grow , i watched you changed
Some days were never the same.
When u give your all and it's not enough
You rack your brains for days
Wondering will you ever be enough
Enough to please the one you love
Tired, your ready to give up
It's only so much u can take
It's like they forget you have feelings anyways
Your pain isn't the same
They think there's override  yours
You don't matter anyway
Someone to use and abuse
To discard like old news
Will you counting to let this be a cycle
Or rise above it all , cause your a fighter
What's doesn't kill me really makes me stronger
I will take this as a lesson learned
Won't make the mistakes again
I made when i was younger
I have to wisen up now
There's a baby involved
And i will never let my son see his mom at her downfall
Never at my lowest
When I'm with my son I'm at my highest
I will show him I'm a queen
Us black women have worth
I will raise him as king
Because he has worth
So i won't go on to be used and abused
Because what kind of mom would i be to show my son that I'm weak.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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