Hold On

255 12 1

6:23 AM

"Sir, there is an issue you may want to bring your attention to." Jarvis echoed through the lab.

"What is it?" Tony asked miserably.

"A 9.6 magnitude earthquake has occurred on the Burma plate." The AI informed him.

Tony looked up from his work and pulled up a map, "and that means..." he mumbled as he mapped out what the effects are going to be.

"A massive tsunami is headed towards multiple shorelines... including Indonesia."

Tony sat there for a second before reality really set in, "inform Banner and get Thor here now!" He shouted and ran to the exit of the lab.


"Steve! We need to get out of here!" Natasha shouted through the comms while they both helped people too scared to move away from the beach. "Steve now!"

"Go natasha!" He shouted. "I'll be right behind you!" He was running after a boy clutching to a post.


"Now! Natasha, go!" He reached the boy and started pulling him away. "Come on, we gotta go bud." He picked him up and started sprinting as fast as he could, as far as he could from the beach. People were being pushed around and trampled, steve looked for any way to get everyone past faster, but the wave was getting closer and closer by the second, even he knew he wouldn't make it far enough in time.

He turned around for a split second and saw the massive wave crashing ashore and making its way towards them all. "Dammit, I'm not going to make it on time!" He shouted over the comms tried to think of what he could do, anything he could possibly do. Buildings will likely collapsed, the wave will be strong seeing that it was tens of meters high.

"Get as far away as possible!" Clint shouted over the comms but steve could barely hear it over all of the commotion.

50 feet... just keeping running.

"Steve! Where are you now!?" Natasha shouted frantically.

40 feet... get as far away as possible.

"Rogers!" He couldn't tell who it was yelling.

30 feet... dammit dammit dammit.

"I'm coming!" Natasha shouted.

"No!" Steve screamed. "Don't you dare." He growled.

20 feet... find cover.

"Get out of here!" He shouted again.

10 feet... brace.

"Steve!" He curled himself around the boy behind a building and held onto the metal post beside him as tightly as possible. All he could think of was saving this kid.

"You're going to be okay" he mumbled and squeezed his eyes shut when he saw water crashing towards them.


When steves line went static, it felt like a knife tore through her gut. But she had to keep running, she could hear the water crashing behind her but all she could think of was getting up on that ridge, get some higher ground and stop some of the impact.

"Natasha! Steve isn't answering!" Clint shouted.

"I know!" She tripped over someone in front of her who fell. She grunted and got up quickly when she saw the massive wave come closer. "Shit" she mumbled and got up. "Clint! Are you safe!?"

"Nobody is Natasha! Just get to that ridge! I'm almost there!"

She reached it and quickly pulled herself over the ridge, someone next to her tripped so she grabbed her arm and tried pulling her to her feet, but the wave crashed over them.

She was slammed into the ground and she gasped for air but all that came was lungfulls of water. She tried to reach out and grab onto anything, but she was moving too fast and she needed air.

She finally made it to the surface for all of a few seconds before another wave crashed into her pushing her back under and slamming her into a tree trunk.


Unfortunately Clint wasn't so lucky to make it over the ridge. He'd thrown a few children up to give them a better chance and the wave sent him flying into the stone wall.

He grunted as a sharp pain erupted in his leg, he struggled to reach the surface and when he dig he grabbed onto some rubbles floating atop the water. He gasped for air and mumbled 'fuck' when he saw another large wave about to wash over him.

He took a deep breath and prepared for the second impact. He did his best to keep his grip on the rubble but he was slammed into the ridge again. This time holding onto the edge, he pulled himself over and gripped onto a metal sign in front of him. He pulled himself up and fought to keep his head above water.


He could feel his ribs break when he was slammed into the concrete, but he held his position curled around that boy. Protect him.

Once he could gain enough control against the current he started swimming upwards gripping onto the fire escape. They both gasped for air when they reached the surface, "okay..." steve breathed, "get onto this..." he continued to pant. He pushed the boy up and started to follow until he saw the second wave. "Go! Climb!" He shouted and held onto the fire escape as tightly as possible, but the wave carrying tons of rubble knocked him right out as soon as it hit him.

It was like being swallowed by the water and drowned into the darkness. Completely helpless. And he thought, 'I wish tony loved me.'

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