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Fury walked into the room quietly with Maria close behind him. He looked around to see if anyone was awake but the soft snores echoing through the room reassured him none of them were. Thor was sitting on the floor, with his back against the couch Clint was splayed out on. Natasha curled up on the recliner in the corner of the room and Bruce fast asleep on one of the u comfortable chairs next to the couch.

Maria tip toed around them to grab a few blankets from the small closet against the wall and splayed them over Bruce and Thor.

Fury had walked up to the side of the bed behind tony, who had his feet propped onto the edge of the bed as he slouched comfortably into his chair. Fury picked up the blanket that had fallen off of him and threw it over his body.

Maria made her way to the edge of steves bed and crossed her arms, "doctor said it could be a while before he wakes up," she said quietly and contemplated grabbing his still hand. "He was down for who knows how long..."

"I know," fury frowned, "plus the guys got one hell of a concussion." He looked at Maria and noticed the worried look in her face.

She exhaled loudly, "last time I saw him like this he was half dead on the side of the Potomac." She glanced at fury, then back to steves hand. She was trying so hard to keep herself together, to keep up her tough demeanour, but steve had become a really good friend of hers and it really hurt to see him like this... again.

"Yeah well," fury stuffed his hands in his pockets, "Rogers is a tough old guy. He pulled through that time and he'll do it again." Fury avoided looking at steve, he blamed himself for this. He kept thinking that they should've detected it sooner somehow, warned them, done something. But now Clint had a broken leg, Natasha a chest full of broken ribs, and steve with the worst of it all. "He's going to be okay."

Maria nodded and took a deep breath before reaching out of grabbing steves hand gently, "you better be okay Rogers." She whispered before giving his hand a tight squeeze and walking away.

Fury waited a second and forced himself to look at steve, doing his best to ignore all of the machines around him, "you heard her cap. Get better" he looked back down at his feet before turning and walking out of the room behind Maria.


Bruce was the first one up the next morning. He stretched in his chair, wincing with the pulsing ache up his spine from the chair and stood up. He looked around and saw that everyone was fast asleep, he didn't even need to glance at Clint to know he was out because of his snores echoing through the room.

He walked up to the end of steves bed and checked his chart. Nothing had changed throughout the night and his vitals were still strong. He looked at steves resting face as he put the chart back down and rapped his finger nervously on his thigh.

"Is he awake?" A voice grumbled behind him.

He was startled for a second and turned around to see Thor standing up, he shook his head, "not yet"

Thor walked up beside him and nudged his arm, "he will." He assured banner, knowing he was still beating himself up over the really close call. Bruce only nodded slightly in return and Thor almost chanted, "let's get some food, I'm famished" and patted Bruce's shoulder and walked around him.

"Yeah so am I" he responded and followed him out of the room.

Not long after they were back with a bunch of coffees and some boxes of breakfast for everyone else, tony was half awake at that point and hunched back over the edge of steves bed, "I'm going to kill Clint." He grumbled into the mattress as he seemingly tried to go back to sleep.

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