Split up

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Thor and tony split up to cover more ground, they found a lot of people and they brought them all to safety.

"Stark, I'm not seeing him anywhere, I'm going to search closer to the shore." Thor said over the comms, terrified he wouldn't be able to find his friends.

"Yeah, yeah do that. Let me know if you find anyone." Tony responded, the knot in his stomach only getting tighter.

He watched Thor fly over to a different area and he continued to scan his. He spotted a body floating face down and as he approached he noticed his blonde hair. Tonys gut wrenched and he basically crashed into the water next to him, "s-steve?" He rolled him over and sighed in relief when it wasn't steve.

He heard a cry nearby and turned his attention to it, he saw a small girl crying atop of some rubble, he noticed someone by the rubble, resting their head on it, as soon as he started getting closer he noticed some bright red hair and rushed over.

"Nat?!" He splashed beside her and tried shaking her awake but no avail. "Jarvis, vitals?"

"She still alive sir, but her vitals are critical. Based on my scans, one of her broken ribs has punctured her lung and she's aspirated a lot of water."

"Guys I've got nat!" Tony shouted over the comms and started picking her up in his arms.

"How is she?!" Bruce questioned.

"Not good. I'll be there in a minute." He grabbed the girl and quickly brought her over to a group of civilians who found a safe place to stay. As soon as she stood on that hill with him and flew off with Natasha in his arms.

"Come on Nat, stay with me." He mumbled and Bruce was already ready for them with a stretcher.

He set her down gently and Bruce started examining her and checking her vitals, "hey Nat... Nat." He patted her cheek lightly and noticed the small twitch of her eyebrow, "come on, wake up" she grumbled in return but didn't wake.

Clint tried climbing off of his stretcher but tony stopped him, "no come on man." Clint protested and tried pushing him away but tony persisted at getting him to lay back down.

"Clint you need to lay down, you're not okay either." He pushed him back down, "lay down Barton." He said sternly, "she'll be okay."

Clint looked over at Bruce, "is she going to be okay?"

Bruce glanced at him and sighed, "she's got a punctured lung, among other problems." He looked back at Clint and tony, "I have to put in a chest tube"

"So do it" Clint insisted.

Bruce nodded and grabbed the instruments, knowing he's had medical training and knows the procedure, he was still scared about doing it on his friend. "Okay..." he exhaled. Tony moved back next to her stretcher as Clint watched intently beside them.

Bruce took a second before making an incision and having Natasha start to squirm in pain under them, "tony, you need to hold her still" he nodded and placed his hands on her shoulders, she groaned loudly and fought against them harder, "tony" Bruce growled.

"I got it, I got it." Tony replied frantically and held her down stronger.

Clint reached out and grabbed her hand, "you're okay Nat" he said painfully. She turned her head to the side and opened her eyes slightly, the pain visible.

"Nat, im sorry but This is gonna hurt" she glanced at Bruce and nodded. She squeezed clints hand and felt the tube push into her chest. She gasped loudly with a scream and almost crushed clints hand.

Bruce tied the tube in place and checked the monitor she was hooked up to, "O2 levels are improving, how you doing?"

She coughed again, "I feel like shit." She grumbled, she looked around the jet, "where's steve?"


Thor scanned the streets, he searched around buildings, he dove into the water... but he couldn't find anything. He made another turn down a flooded alley and heard some crying.

He looked around some more and spotted a young boy curled up in a ball on a fire escape, he climbed up the stairs quickly and slowly approached the boy, "are you well?"

The boy lifted his head and nodded.

"Are you hurt?" Thor asked and knelt down in front of him. The boy shook his head. "Good, okay im going to get you out of here."

He started to pick the boy up, "no wait!" He set the boy back down. "What about my friend?"

Thor looked around and saw nothing and no one, "I don't see anyone..."

"He saved me. He protected me when the big wave came and then got me up here but..." he trailed off and more tears formed in his eyes.

"But what, what happened?" Thor questioned and put a hand on the boys shoulder.

"The... the water washed him away," he lifted his arm and pointed down the alley. "It took him that way."

Thor looked down the alley and was horrified by the wreckage, a building was toppled over and there was more rubble floating above water. "You're friend, whats his name? What did he look like?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know his name. He was tall and muscly and his hair was yellow and he has blue eyes." Thor stopped, that sounded like steve. He grabbed the boy quickly, "hey! What about my friend!?"

"I'm going to find him" she said and flew over to a rescue boat going around the streets, "but you need to stay here with them okay?" The boy nodded and sat down with the 5 other people inside. One of the women wrapped her blanket around his shoulders.

As soon as he was safe, Thor took off and crashed into the water where the boy told him who he thinks is steve went.

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