Chapter 1: A New Alliance

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Phil Sheldon: Five years ago, The Avengers paraded dangerous, untested technology, causing damage on an unprecedented scale. Our beloved Captain America and Leviathan were killed during the attempted theft of this technology. Thousands of other innocent people died. And many more still bear the scars of what has come to be known as A-Day. Hundreds fell sick, encased in strange cocoons, only to emerge with dangerous, otherworldly powers. With no known cure, the disease has spread across the country. And while both SHIELD and the Avengers promised to rectify the situation, it was Dr. Banner's testimony that brought about the end of an Era.

Senator: You so called heroes transformed San Francisco into an infectious, gas filled quarantine zone. You unleashed diseased powerful beings, that wreak havoc throughout our nation. Many still lay dormant, unidentified. So I ask you again Dr. Banner, do the Avengers pose a danger to society?


Phil Sheldon: Their activities outlawed; the once mighty heroes disbanded. But out of tragedy is born hope. After the government liquidation of Stark Industries, Dr. George Tarleton, himself a victim of A-Day and founder of Advanced Idea Mechanics, thinks science is the solution to our nation's problems.

Tarleton: I wish I knew what happened to Captain Rogers and Maria L/N that day, but I was no where near the reacter room. I don't have those answers, but I can promise you this. I will use this second chance to make you safe. AIM will find a cure for the Inhuman Disease.

Phil Sheldon: Comforting words to those families torn apart by the disease. But is he too confident? Many criticize AIM's tactics. This so called "Resistance" army grows stronger everyday. This is Phil Sheldon reporting live at the A-Day anniversary.

Suddenly, the TV turned off.

Hailey: Hey!

Aunt: You shouldn't be watching that stuff. You should be getting ready for bed.

Hailey pouted before she sighed. She moved her joystick forward and the wheelchair she sat in moved. She navigated her way around the furniture as her aunt watched her. She then looked around the apartment.

Aunt: Where's your brother?

Hailey: Probably in his room again. Want me to get him?

Your aunt shook her head. She knew better than to try and get you out of that hobbit hole. Besides, you always wanted to be alone on this day. The day the Avengers failed. The day you lost your mother. The day you failed to save your sister from spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

You were laying on your bed, torn jeans and a F/C shirt. Your hair had gotten a bit long and it was hardly ever combed. Bags had formed under your eyes due to the ever increasing lack of sleep. Earbuds were in your ear as you listened to your music. There was a knock on your door causing your to sit up.

Y/N: Yeah?

Aunt: Hey, uh, I'm going to bed now. Try not to stay up too late.

Y/N: Yeah. Ok.

Aunt: Also, Nadia called earlier. You should shot her a text, or something.

Y/N: I'll do that.

It was silent for a moment before you heard your aunt walk away. You waited for a moment before you decided the coast was clear. You stood up and reached under your bed where you pulled out a duffelbag.

Y/N: Let's hope AIM isn't partying tonight.

You opened the bag and pulled everything out. You pulled on the jean jacket with the F/C patch before you pulled on the combat gloves you had found at a shop. Finally, you pulled out a wrist gauntlet. The replica Tony had made for you. You threw on your hood, pulled on your sneakers, and opened your window.

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