Chapter 17

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      It's the day of the event and I am excited to be attending it because you know, who wouldn't be? Today is a light day and I even get to get off early because I needed to get ready. The office is abuzz with excitement, people are sharing light laughter, it was as if we were all going on a field trip. I was just finishing up a business letter when there was a knock at my door. I glance at the door puzzled and then clear my throat.

     "Come in!" I say, backing up from the computer.

      "Hi, Mrs. London, you're being relieved early right? We need to get you to your hair appointment." The stylist says.

     "Oh right! Is it time already? Time sure flew by today. Let me just send this off and I'll be right down. Meet you on the first floor?"

     She nods, smiling lightly and backs away out the door.

     I finish typing up the letter, and send it off. I shut down my computer, and then I shut my office door. I lock the door and head down to the first floor. I tap my foot inside the elevator and then I finally arrive on the first floor. The stylist waiting to greet me.

      "Hey what's your name again? I never got it." I ask, looking at her.

     "Oh it's Nia. Most of his suitors never ask, thank you." She says, beaming.

     "Suitors well I'm not..." I sputter, trying to say the right words.

     She begins laughing, and I smile relaxing a little.

     "I know, sorry just a little joke. That was not very polite of me. I'm sorry."

      "No, it's fine. I'm fact it's great. Usually you're so quiet and polite. I like the fact that you're joking around."

      She blushes, avoiding my gaze for a moment.

     "The ride is here. Let's get going. Tonight should go off without a hitch. Vinn kind of obssesses over these things."

     The ride is somewhat short and we arrive at a shop called The Castle, and I sit in a chair. I glance around at the high society women who narrow their eyes at me, and I roll my eyes which has them turning away for good. I wait my turn as women get up and are exchanged. Nia had more errands to run and would be back, so I decided to occupy myself by browsing social media and checking in with the sitter. The door dings open  and I freeze.

     Standing in the doorway, I see the blonde that is always with Orion. Her bust bounces as she enters the shop, actually greeting some of the sour faced women, and then her eyes land on me. They bore into me like knives, and a smirk grows on her face. She's looking at me as if she has won some seceret battle, but I couldn't care less about what she thought because she was a fool to think she was in my league to begin with.

      "Well. Well. Look who we have here, I wouldn't have thought to see the likes of you in such a pristine and high end establishment. Who's dick did you suckle on to get here? This is my usual spot, but I may have to think about changing since the quality has clearly declined here." She says, grinning.

    "Well unlike you, blonde because your name isn't important enough to remember for either me or Orion," I say, and her face turns bright red.

      "I don't suck up to my bosses, or fuck them to get where I want. Oh, that's right you didn't get the job I did. Now that I'm gone have I even been replaced? If you were as good as you say you are you would think he would have hired you by now no?"

     "Oh, you think you're funny don't you bitch. In fact, I spent all night with him. You're nothing but a memory, a fling. I've been here longer than you. Couldn't keep up huh?"

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