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The sound of gears and metal clanging upon metal would have been unbearable for Mark to handle had Yuta not been blasting rock music through the Bluetooth system he had set up.

Blaring drums and rock guitar sounded through the shop as Mark sat on the ground with a half empty beer bottle in front of him. He watched with vague interest as Yuta worked on the bottom of the car in front of him.

Without warning the older mechanic slid out from the bottom on a rolling board and slid his goggles up to rest on his forehead. He held his hand out and Mark handed him the beer, watching with extreme grumpiness as Yuta took a swig.

Handing the bottle back to Mark, Yuta laughed, sliding the goggles back over his grease smudged face. "Cheer up Mark, this is good for you. Don't bend to peer pressure!" He said in a teasing tone as Mark eyed the tempting bottle in front of him.

"I hope that car crushes you," Mark yelled over the music, frowning as Yuta laughed again before sliding back under the car. More clanging and screeching that grated against Mark's ear.

He should have been used to it by now but he still left Yuta's shop feeling like he had just taken an acid trip and lost all sense of hearing.

Surprisingly, with all the repairs and music giving Mark a headache, he still heard the front door of the shop open with a loud ding. He stood up, already knowing that Yuta would have sent him to answer the customer anyway.

He walked out of the garage into the reception area which was usually manned by a girl that Mark thought might have gone to his school. She had taken the day off, thus the reason that Mark was spending his Saturday helping Yuta out.

He was surprised to see a younger looking man with fading pink hair, an entirely black outfit, and a lip piercing. "Hello, how can we help you today?"

"Hello," the man gave Mark a warm smile, "I was wondering if someone could take a look at my motorbike, it's making a strange rumbling sound and I can't place my finger on what's wrong with it."

Mark nodded. "Normally we would ask for appointments in advance but I'm sure that Yuta can take a look at it real quick. You can wait here for a moment." The man nodded and Mark spun around, walking into the back room with a little haste.

Maybe he could get Yuta to hook up with this guy. It might actually help him to be happier. Mark smiled a little and practically skipped over to where Yuta was, kicking the boy's legs which were sticking out.

Grumbling, the older slid out from underneath the car and lifted his goggles up. "What?"

"There's a cute guy out front who needs his motorbike checked, I told him you would," Mark said cheekily and Yuta groaned, sitting up on the rolling board.

"Mark you know we ask for appointments," Yuta have him a disappointed look making Mark's stomach drop a little. The older boy sighed and stood up before ruffling Mark's hair affectionately. "He better be really smoking hot."

Mark grinned and followed Yuta up to the front. The man was standing by the counter looking at a couple of pamphlets that they had put out for decoration. He looked up at the duo and he heard Yuta suck in a breath.

"Hello, I'm assuming that you're the Yuta this boy here told me about?" The pinkette smiled, his dimples coming out and Mark stared at the man in awe. How could someone be so good looking?

Yuta stuck his hand out, returning a smile of his own as he shook the man's hand. "That would be me Mr...?"

"Jung. Jung Jaehyun, but you can call me Jaehyun." The man said and Yuta gestured to the door.

"Alright Jaehyun, let's take a look at your bike." The two walked out of the shop and to the sleek motorbike parked out front. It was all black with small hints of green along the sides and at the bottom.

Mark leaned against the door by the front, the music from the garage just making its way out to the front of the shop. He watched as Yuta crouched by the bike and began to poke and prod at it. He could hear them talking from where he was so he didn't bother going further for fear of intruding.

"So what brings you around here? I haven't seen you before," Yuta was saying, looking up at the boy who was standing next to him. Jaehyun ran a hand through his pink hair and smiled softly.

"I'm visiting my brother. He lives in the area and I haven't seen him in a while," he explained and Mark sniffed with boredom. He really just wanted to see Yuta embarrass himself which he knew was impossible.

"That's fun, I hope you have a nice time catching up," Yuta said before beckoning to a part on the bike, beginning to explain his suspicions about what might be wrong.

At this point Mark sighed and pouted as Yuta began to look more and more professional, Jaehyun listening intently to every word he was saying. It didn't look like anything spicy was going on.

His eyes drifted away from the duo and he frowned as he spotted a head poked around the corner of the shop building. The boy looked straight at him before he seemed to panic and duck around the corner again. Mark untucked his arms and jogged over to the edge of the building.

Mark turned the corner to see a boy with wide eyes, trembling as Mark looked down at him with a dead serious gaze.

"What do you want?" He snarled, taking a threatening step towards the boy who shrank back, his hands trembling as he put them up.

"I-I was just curious about y-you!" The stranger defended and Mark raised his eyebrows in annoyance. "All of the rumors at school and everything!" Mark glowered and stepped forward, grabbing the boy's shirt collar and yanking him up to his face.

"What rumors?" Mark grit through his teeth, a bit of worry settling into his gut as the boy's eyes glanced nervously from his face to the duo talking about the motorbike behind him.

"Y-you k-know the-the rumors about y-you a-and-and that mechanic g-guy. T-that you a-ar-e dating s-some pedo or something!" The boy spit out and Mark's eyes narrowed. He grit his teeth so hard he thought they might crack and he threw the boy to the ground.

The boy scrambled back as Mark stepped over him, his foot raising to step on the boy. Maybe to crack his wrist. Maybe to kick his side. His face contorted into rage as he looked at the sniveling boy. Were people really saying that? Renjun would have told him right?

A hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, Mark whirling around to see Yuta with a furious expression and Jaehyun with a concerned one.

"Mark what the hell-"

Mark didn't wait to listen to Yuta before spinning back to look at the boy with tears streaming down his face. He pointed a finger at the boy. "You speak a word of this or anything else I'll kill you. Keep my name and anything pertaining to me out of your disgusting mouth, got it?"

The boy nodded and scrambled to his feet, stumbling and running off in the opposite direction. Mark clenched his fists and blinked tears of frustration back.

These rumors could get out of hand. They could seriously damage Yuta's reputation. He should have known his bad karma was going to come back to bite him.

But he wouldn't let it hurt anyone around him.

He turned around to look at the mechanic who seemed so lost by what was going on. "I'm sorry Yuta I can't come around anymore."


Mark turned around, beginning to run off in the same direction of the random boy. Tears of frustration and anger welled in his eyes as he heard Yuta yelling after him. Telling him to come back. Mark wiped at the tears that were streaming down his face, choking out a sob as he ran down the sidewalk.

He couldn't catch a break could he?


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