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A series of aggressive knocks came at the door and Mark took a deep breath, giving Jaemin a tired look to which the younger responded with a 'thumbs up' gesture. Mark rolled his eyes and pulled opened the door, an apologetic smile on his face as his best friend stood on the other side of the entrance way, hands on his hips and eyes narrowed.


He blinked in surprise, his eyes moving past Renjun to see Chenle standing behind him, a box in his arms as he looked at Mark in confusion.

"Chenle?" He answered back in question and Renjun pushed past him into the appartment, Chenle following suit. Mark closed the door behind the two and gave Jaemin a questioning glance but Jaemin's attention was on the green-haired boy who had somehow found himself in his appartment.

"Yeah I found him wandering the streets, he apparently got lost trying to find this place and I just happened to be coming this way," Renjun explained and Mark raised his eyebrows, giving Renjun an 'is that all?' look. Renjun grumbled and pulled Mark away from the duo.

A faint 'what are you doing here?' reached his ears but Mark's attention was primarily pulled towards Renjun as the boy began to rant nervously.

"Did you keep running into Jaemin everywhere before you guys found out you were soulmates or like just after you met for the first time? Cause I have never met this kid before in my life and all of a sudden after we met in school I can't seem to get rid of him," Renjun was continuously looking at the green-haired daycare worker throughout his rant and Mark blinked in surprise.

He guess he had run into Jaemin an awful lot after they had originally met on the rooftop, save for the period of time where he had ignored the younger. They had run into each other at the park countless times, regardless of the fact that they had both never met at the park for the three years they had lived in the area.

"Huh, I guess we did run into each other a lot after we met," Mark kind of mumbled to himself and Renjun grumbled again, then grabbing Mark's arm and pointing a finger into his face.

"Yeah, but don't think you're getting out of this conversation. Mark," Renjun said, quieter this time, his face softening, "What the hell happened?" Mark took a deep breath, looking over to the other duo who were talking animatedly. Just then Jaemin look over at him and looked away, startled that Mark had already been looking at him.

"It's a really long, and... kind of difficult story Junnie, it make take a while and I don't really want to speak in front of Chenle, you know?" Mark rubbed the back of his neck and his friend nodded in understanding, looking around.

"Is there any place we can talk privately here?" He asked and Mark thought, possibly Jaemin's bedroom? He turned to talk to Jaemin and opened his mouth.


"Hey Mark, oh."

The duo interrupted each other and laughed for a second, Jaemin beckoning Mark over to the side, away from both of their friends. Mark followed the boy over and Jaemin stepped closer, speaking in a low whisper. "Listen, am I telling Chenle what we are? Like the whole thing except your private family stuff. Well, I mean obviously not your private family stuff. I'll just say something came up or something-"

"Jae-Jaemin you're rambling," Mark interjected, placing his hands on the side of Jaemin's arms, leading the younger to stop talking. "You can tell him and I'll tell Renjun, okay? We can go talk in your bathroom or something, right?" Jaemin nodded, looking back towards the duo who were standing awkwardly next to each other.

"If it gets too hard just like pinch yourself or something and I'll come interrupt," Jaemin whispered, looking at Mark pointedly with a bit of a smile, but not enough so that Mark knew he was being serious. Mark smiled.

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