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Mark tilted the chair back, his feet balancing the rest of his body out as they rested propped up on his desk. His room was filled with smoke but he really couldn't bring himself to care.

His head was tilted back to look at the ceiling, his hand by his mouth and a cigarette fit in between his lips. He moved his hand to the side, taking the much needed drug with it as he exhaled, more nicotine adding to the contaminated air.

Mark's hand dangled by his side as he stared blankly at the ceiling. He couldn't believe this.

A soulmate?

It was absolutely ridiculous.

Yet here he was, smoking his third cigarette as he thought about the pain in Jaemin's face when he had kicked Mark out of his house.

"Shit," he hissed and ran his free hand through his messy hair, taking another drag. How was he supposed to handle this? Could he tell Renjun, or did Jaemin want to keep it all hush hush?

He heard a click as the door opened to his room, a coughing fit ensuing as the person walked into the dense fog. He tilted his head back farther to see Renjun waved his hand in front of his face, closing the door behind him.

"Jesus Mark, you could at least open a fucking window," Renjun complained and Mark didn't bother to answer as the younger boy crossed the room to crack his windows open.

Mark just looked blankly at the ceiling, vaguely wondering why Renjun was there. Maybe his parents had called the boy with the knowledge that Renjun was the only person who Mark knew or trusted.

"Alright smoker boy," Renjun said and slid the cigarette out from between Mark's dusted fingers, taking a drag of it himself before chucking it out the window, "What's got your tits all perky?"

Mark raised his eyebrows and shot Renjun a questioning glance, his choice of words a bit strange. Renjun simply motioned for him to spill whatever was bugging him.

He groaned and straightened up, his feet resting on the ground as he turned in his chair to face Renjun who was lounging on his bed. He decided to tackle the lesser of his problems first. "Did you know about the rumors between me and Yuta?"

Renjun's face went slack, his mouth forming an 'o' as he looked nervously around the room. "H-how did you find out about that?" Mark cursed loudly, standing up so fast that his chair toppled over.

"How did I know?" Mark yelled, repeating the question in livid fury as Renjun shrunk back, "How did I know? That's the question you're going to ask? Unbelievable." Mark scoffed and turned, raking his hands through his hair in a stressed manner.

"Listen Mark-"

"No you listen!" Mark spun around, pointing his finger at who he thought was his best friend. "How could you keep something so important from me? You know I rely on you to keep me in tune with what people are saying so I can figure out how to act. How am I supposed to protect Yuta if I don't know that he's being hurt?"

Renjun's lips quivered at Mark's hostility, leading the boy to let out another string of curses and begin to pace the room.

"Mark, I thought," Renjun swallowed thickly, fiddling with his hands in his lap, "I thought that it would just blow over. That you didn't even need to know. The rumors only started yesterday, so it could still blow over! I didn't want you to stress out over nothing."

Mark pick his chair up and sat back down, tucking his head into his hands and groaning. Even while having this conversation, Renjun's words mirrored Jaemin's in his mind, leading his thoughts to stray back to the younger.

But he still couldn't tell Renjun.

At least, not until he asked Jaemin.

Mark may have been an asshole but his body wasn't his own anymore, no matter how sick that statement sounded. Not only did his verbal actions affect Jaemin, but his physical actions as well.

The bruise on his stomach. Mark internally winced as he thought of their first meeting, drawing the conclusion that it had been his own stomach bruise that Jaemin had been suffering so much from. Guilt.

"I understand Renjun," Mark said tiredly, sitting up to lean back in his chair and look at the older, "I forgive you, and I'm sorry for yelling."

Renjun smiled softly and leaned back on his hands. "If I knew this would have gotten you to say 'sorry', I would have done it earlier."

Mark shot the boy a glare. "Don't push it."

Renjun put his hands up in mock-defeat. Mark just happen to catch another couple of new scratches on his boy's arm.

At least he could try and prevent someone else from being hurt from his own actions, unlike the ass who was Renjun's soulmate.


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