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Mark watched from Jaemin's bed as the younger boy packed an overnight bag, the fading daylight providing the only source of light as the electricity was no longer working. For one day at least, two days at most the announcement had said.

He looked down at his phone, an unopened text from his mom telling Mark to stay out of the house for at least half-an-hour as she got everything ready for the younger boy. He rolled his eyes but was happy enough that his parents didn't oppose Jaemin staying over until he got his power back. Thankfully they hadn't asked too many questions about the boy living on his own, although his mother seemed to really be biting her tongue to keep her curiosity at bay.

Mark was curious too. But as he watched Jaemin looked around his room once and then again to make sure he had everything, he found he didn't really have the desire to ask. Jaemin would tell him in his own time.

"Ready to go?" Mark asked and Jaemin turned around, nodding a couple of times. Mark laughed and got up off of the bed, Jaemin moving to grab his backpack.

"Yeah, I think I have everything," Mark waited for Jaemin to walk out of his room first, following the boy to the front door while they got their winter clothing on. "Thanks again for letting me stay at your place Mark, I really appreciate it."

Mark smiled at the boy as they finished getting ready. "It's no problem Jae, you'd do the same for me." He saw Jaemin's cheeks turn pink a little bit he pushed it off, the cold air just having hit their exposed faces as Jaemin opened the door.

His eyes went to the crew stationed across the street, some kind of mechanical equipment lifting a repairman to the top of an electrical pole. The bitter December cold swirled around the duo as they began the short walk to Mark's house, taking more time than usual so Mark's mom could clean and prepare for their guest.

It was very much the holiday season. Strings of gold lights decorated various porches and shop fronts, an occasional string of multi-colored lights bringing a bit more holiday spirit to the streets of Seoul.

Mark's hand were almost frozen by the time they finally reached his house and he ushered Jaemin in, the younger boy shaking just like he was. "Mom, we're here!" Mark called out and he heard a loud squeal and two sets of footsteps.

JiJi came sprinting around the corner and, with a giggly shout, she jumped into Jaemin's arms. "Nana!" The girl laughed happily and Jaemin stood up from where he had crouched to hug the girl, giving her a bright smile.

"Hi JiJi, how's the super secret project coming along?" He whispered loudly and Mark smiled, the girl already having blabbed to him about her "super duper special secret project" she was making with 'Nana'.

She looked blatantly at Mark before shaking her head, making a 'shh' gesture and pointing and Mark's direction. Jaemin turned and playfully zipped his lips as he looked at Mark, causing a laugh to leave his lips.

"Well it certainly seems like you're already welcome into the family," his mom commented from the side, the trio turning to look at the parent. Jaemin put JiJi down who quickly ran away to who knows where.

"Thank you got having me here," Jaemin said formally, starting to bow before his mom stepped forward to stop him.

"Oh none of that, it's the least we could do for one of Mark's friends." She smiled and Mark rolled his eyes as he began to unravel his scarf from around his neck.

"Thank you Mrs. Lee," Jaemin said again and walked back towards Mark to take off his shoes and other garments.

"Now I do have some unfortunate news..." his mother began as they finished putting away their winter gear, Mark getting a bad feeling in his gut about the awkward look on his mother's face. "JiJi was jumping on the extra mattress we were blowing up for Jaemin and she popped it."

Mark felt his stomach flip and he looked at Jaemin whose raised eyebrows feigned polite surprise. "Really? Do you need me to sleep on the couch?" Jaemin offered and, before his mom could reject the offer, Mark scoffed and grabbed Jaemin's overnight bag.

"Are you kidding? I'll sleep on the couch or the floor, you can take my bed," Mark finalized, giving Jaemin a look that said he wasn't changing his mind. He saw his mom give him an approving smile as they walked down the hall to Mark's bedroom.

As soon as he entered he gave his room a once over, making sure it wasn't too messy. To his relief it wasn't, just a couple of clothes here and there and his blankets haphazardly placed all over his bed. He gave Jaemin an embarrassed look but the boy didn't seem to mind, looking around the room curiously.

"Make yourself comfortable," Mark said as he moved to pick up the clothes and toss them in his hamper. Jaemin sat down on his bed and continued to look around. "Sorry it's not the cleanest."

"No, no! I don't care," Jaemin laughed and leaned back on his hands. Another moment of silence passed and Mark stood awkwardly by the hamper, looking anywhere but Jaemin. The pink-haired boy laughed and stood up, crossing his arms. "Why are you acting so strange around me. We've known each other for months. Mark, you cuddle me to no end."

"Well I mean, uh, you've just never been over before," Mark defended and groaned at the smirk on the other's face, "leave me alone." He walked over and flopped face first onto the bed. He felt the bed dip next to him and he heard a tapping sound.

He looked up and saw Jaemin holding his laptop up with his eyebrows raised. "Want to watch a movie?"

Mark thought before nodding, sitting up to grab the laptop and turn it on. Jaemin moved to look over his shoulder and as the screen came on Mark's eyes went wide. He quickly clicked out of the disney movie that he had forgotten he was playing.

Jaemin started cooing next to him, poking his sides playfully at the older's embarrassment. "Awww, you like Disney? Who knew such a bad boy type like you digged Finding Nemo."

Mark grumbled and began to scroll through another streaming platform, shooting Jaemin a sulky glare only causing the other to laugh more. Finally, they decided on a movie and got situated under the blankets, opting for warmth against the cold seeping into Mark's room. 

"Maybe invest in a heater," Jaemin grumbled as he curled against Mark's side, tugging the blankets up to his chin. Mark huffed and didn't bother to respond to the snarky comment, snuggling further under the blankets after pressing play on some psychological horror movie called Shutter Island.

Mark soon became too invested in the movie to pay any attention to anything besides the intriguing and mysterious film. That was, until he heard a small snore. He startled, shifting to pause the movie, and looked over at the pink-haired boy who was tucked into his side and fast asleep.

Mark let out a small laugh and closed his laptop, carefully moving to get up. Luckily, he didn't wake Jaemin and he placed the laptop on his desk, turning the lamp off all the way.

Then he crawled back under the covers, maybe a little too used to cuddling Jaemin after the pushes that Jaemin made for the hugs. With ease, Jaemin had tucked himself against Mark's chest, Mark's arms moving to pull the younger boy closer to himself.

Without thinking much of it - his body feeling a bit tired now that he wasn't focused on anything - he brushed a small kiss against Jaemin's forehead, whispering a soft 'Goodnight' before slipping off to sleep.


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