Chapter 15

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The place was overrun. Lucifer was gone and we were forced to stay behind and keep ourselves from being torn apart by the walkers. But I had no experience, no weapons. And I was terrified. But through the fear, I managed to hear Dean's voice echoing in mind. "It's gonna be okay."



"We're going to die, aren't we?" I was becoming more panicked by the second. Soon, we'd be facing off against Lucifer. He had to be one of the most dangerous beings in existence, and we were stupid enough to go and challenge him.

Dean gently laid his hands on my shoulders, a shaky smile on his lips. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this."

"Dean, this is Lucifer. I've seen the things he can do. He'll kill anyone who gets in his way. He killed-" I quickly cut myself off, realising what I was about to reveal to him. I couldn't tell him what I saw. I couldn't tell him what would happen.

Dean shot me a look of confusion. "Killed who?"

" doesn't matter."

"Quinn, come on. Who'd he kill?"

I didn't want to lie to him, but I didn't want to break his heart either. Taking a deep breath, I finally decided it would be best to just tell him the truth. I hated to be dishonest with him. "Cas. He killed Cas."

He didn't even seem phased by what I had just told him. He just let out a humourless chuckle. "Oh, no. He did. But then God brought him back, or at least that's what he told me."

I shook my head, a feeling of dread settling in the pit of my stomach. "No, Dean. On the show, Sam traps Lucifer. But a few seasons later, he escapes the cage...and eventually he kills Cas."

His eyes darkened. "But...he comes back, right?"

"Eventually, yes."

"Well why do you look so worried?"

"Because if he can kill Cas more than once, then he can end us in a heartbeat. We don't stand a chance."

He gave me a comforting smile. "We'll be fine. Don't worry."



My heart was hammering in my chest as the walkers continued to flood in through the open doors. I'd never even picked up a weapon before, yet here I was, desperately swinging a knife around in an attempt to protect myself from the flesh eating corpses. This had gotten completely out of hand. And to think I actually used to dream of having this life. Everything seemed to be a blur as I looked around the warehouse. I was surrounded by chaos and destruction and in that moment, all I wanted was for everything to stop. I wished that I could go back in time and undo all this. But all of a sudden, something happened. Was I dreaming? What was going on? I looked around and everything was completely still. I was the only one who appeared to be still moving. And as I stared at the statues that surrounded me, I heard a voice echoing in the distance. Suddenly, a blinding light appeared above me. "What's going on?" I yelled, squinting at the white light above me.

"You can fix this." The voice said.


"Just one word from you, and I can make all this go away. I can reverse your wish."

"I never wished for anything in the first place." I said, a confused expression appearing on my face. What the hell was going on?

"You did. I heard it."

My mind suddenly flashed back to the countless times I'd silently wished to meet my favourite characters. I began to remember all the times I prayed to have this exact life. But it meant nothing. It was just an empty wish. Something that would never come true. And whilst I did suspect that I was responsible for all of this, I never had any confirmation. But now, the voice in this mysterious white light was blaming me. I caused this. I caused the end of the world. "How do I fix this?"

"Take back your wish. It will reverse all the pain and destruction that has come of it."

"Will it reverse everything? Will I lose my friends?"


I had a decision to make; the world, or my friends. I couldn't let the world perish at the expense of my own selfish desires. But I didn't want to lose my friends either. This couldn't have been real. It had to be a dream. But it couldn't be, could it? I had finally found the thing that caused this, and now it was offering me a chance to fix everything. Why was I hesitating? Why was I taking so long to think about this? It should've been an easy decision; the world or my wish? As I looked round at my allies, I felt a warmth flooding my body. But then I looked at the monsters that surrounded us; the rotting corpses that could easily end the world. "Okay." I finally said. "Okay, take it back. Take the wish back."

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