𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 12 : the quirks (pt. 1)

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[ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ]

Sparing one last look at the ash-blond male in front of me, I meet his sad and hurt crimson eyes. I didn't want to do it but he clearly pushed his luck. How could he do that to the poor sweet boy? Midoriya only wanted to ask us about our quirks and costumes and it was clear to everyone how important the little burnt Campos notebook meant to him. 

Minho and I approached Midoriya before bowing at him in apology.

"Sorry about the notebook Mido-kun." 

"Yeah man, we could've acted faster."

This action seemed to startle the green-haired cinnamon roll. His eyes spun and his face reddened as he frantically waved his hands in front of him shakily asking us to get up. 


My brother and I let out a soft chuckle at his reaction. He's just so sweet and adorable! How could anyone possibly have a grudge on this kind-hearted boy?

Midoriya gave us an uneasy quivering smile. "B-but really guys, It's no big deal... It's just a notebook, anyway. I'll just get a new one over the weekend." Minho and I shared look. We already knew what we were going to do for the boy but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

"Minho! Maria-chan! That thing you guys did with the fire and cement? That was so manly!" Mina agreed with him with her usual loud and preppy voice, "YEAH GUYS! HOW DID YOU GUYS DO THAT?!"

We turned around to see Kirishima and the Bakusquad with our other classmates following close behind. At the very back of the crowd, I saw Bakugo trailing behind everyone else with his head held down. My heart twinged at the sight of him looking so down but after what he just pulled? He deserved it.

We felt Aizawa-sensei come up behind us. "Maria, Minho. We still don't know the full details of your quirks." Everyone jumped at his 'sudden' appearance. He seems strangely attached to that ghastly excuse of a sleeping bag. I mean, seriously , who in there right minds would buy a sleeping bag that looked like a wrinkly banana? "We only know that you both have the same quirk."

"How were you able to manipulate my cement, Maria-san?" Cementoss-sensei piped up from behind Aizawa.

"Uh..." Minho dawdled out. "But what about training Aizawa-sensei? Didn't you say that this was the last double period quirk training until the sports fest?"

Aizawa-sensei let out a grunt, "Those brats can do whatever they want, I really don't care. Their performance at the sports fest relies solely on them. " Our classmates froze in their place sweat dropping. They all had a distressed look on their faces. It felt like they were torn between training and listening to our explanation.

Minho and I shared a contemplating look. I mean, were only explaining to them anyway, what't the harm? Wordlessly agreeing, we took a look around us, andwe noticed that all our classmates were rooted where they stood indicating their decision: 'We're gonna stay and watch.' For a split second, I made eye contact with Bakugo and for the first time since I've met him, I didn't blush. To be honest, I'm not that disappointed in him anymore. Maybe, I'll talk to him later.

We sighed, "Aigoo... looks like we're really doing this Maria-ah."

"This is gonna be really long."

"So, uhh... Maria and I have elemental quirks. It's kind of the same but it's king of not at the same time. Does that make sense?" Minho scanned his eyes around everyone in the gym and he saw that they held the same look of confusion. Sighing, he turned to Cementoss, "Uh, sensei? I think it'd be best if everyone took a seat? This might be quite long..."

"Yes, of course." Cementoss said before crouching down to touch the floor making square blocks of cement rise out of the ground in front of us to serve as makeshift chairs. Wow, it looks like we're putting on a program or something. My brother now stood in front of our audience and cleared his throat before continuing. 

"Right. My sister and I's quirks are both the same and different at the same time. We can both bend earth, water, fire, and air to our will and we can also generate lightning from our bodies."  Minho nodded at me cuing me to walk to his side to help demonstrate. I lifted my left hand in front of me with my palms facing upward and my fingers slightly clenched, as if I were holding a small round object, and Minho did the same with his right. 

We levitated the dirt and pebbles that were stuck to the bottom of everyone's shoes and levitated them above our pointer fingers and after that, we willed small droplets of water to float above our middle fingers made from the water vapor in the air. Next, we let fire ignite on our pinkies from our own body heat; the fire on my finger was a bright electric blue color while the one on Minho's had a grayish-white. Then, we let a mini tornado swirl in the middle of our palms and lastly, our eyes flashed and electric purple as current of purple lightning softly crackled from our remaining hand.

I noticed how Todoroki's and Kaminari's eyes widened when they saw our fire and lightning. Our classmates only stared at our hands in wonder of the little bits of elements we floated around our fingertips. Stifling a snicker, he looks they had on their faces told us that they had so many things to ask us especially Midoriya.

"What happens when you overuse your quirks Minho-san?"

"Now, now, Mido-kun... Please save all questions until after the program, thank you!" 

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