𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 13 : the quirks (pt. 2)

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[ 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ]

'I seriously fucked up.' 

Is what I thought right when I saw disappointment flash in angel face's purple hues. How do I make this fucking right? It's all fucking deku's fault this happened.

Angel face and her fucker of a brother stood in front of us as we sat on Cementoss's block of cement. They were explaining the details of their quirk and had a demonstration. I didn't even fucking know it was possible for twins to manifest the same fucking quirk.

"We can do lot of things with our quirks." angel face hummed in thought, "We can make huge walls from dirt and stone, take chunks of the ground and crush them or throw them. We can take the moisture from the air and turn it into water if there aren't any available sources of it and we can use our water to heal minor injuries like scratches and bruises. We spew streams fire from our hands and feet and we can also take the fire from other sources and manipulate them to our liking. Like for example..." She dawdled out, hands on her waist as she looked up at the ceiling in thought.

Round face piped up, "Ah! Like what you did earlier with the burning notebook!"

"Yes, exactly Ura-chan" Angel face snapped her dainty fingers when she realized that round face was right before she continued. 

"For air, we can create strong gusts of wind from any part of our body but their stronger if we have our staffs with us and... oh! We can also manipulate the wind currents and the air pressure to some extent to lift us up in the air for a short period of time! For our lightning though, we don't quite sure know how to explain it, really. We know that we generate it from our inside our bodies and distribute it throughout our entire bodies adding to the speed of our movements, we can also shoot lightning bolts from our limbs and send electrical shocks from our bodies to stun our opponents. I think it's maybe from our brain's neurons or something? We're really not quite sure how we're able to generate such power of lightning without getting fried..."

What the hell? No wonder those shitty twins were recommended by the fucking principal; those fuckers were too fucking overpowered for teenagers!

"Amazing..." I turned to my right to see deku staring at the shitty twins in complete awe. What the fuck? Have I been sitting beside deku this entire time? How the hell did I not notice that? Oh, great! Now the runt's standing up. Fan-fucking-tastic!

"You guys are amazing Maria-san, Minho-san! You guys can easily use your surroundings for both offense and defense and also for close and long range attacks. Such versatile quirks!" Deku beamed at them with with sparkling eyes. I have to admit... those are pretty fucking awesome quirks before I realized something.

"But wait..." Fish lips piped up from the back. "How were you guys not burned from the fire? Does your quirk make you guys fireproof or something?"

The zombie fucker yawned before speaking up, "Essentially, yeah. Theoretically, we'd be able to withstand temperatures as hot as our fires." The fucker lit his left hand on fire while angel face face lit her left.

Fish lips just looked confused, "I don't understand... " 

"It's because their fires are hotter than normal ones, you fish lipped idiot." Why the fuck are they looking at me like that?

"It's true." Fucking icyhot stood up. "Judging by the colors of their flames, I'd say Minho-san's grayish-white about is about 2,700 °F while Maria-san's blue fire is about 3,300 °F. But what do you mean by 'theoretically'?"

"We seen a fire or met someone with a fire quirk hot enough to burn us Todo-kun."

The fuck? I was just as fucking shocked as the rest of those dumb extras! I knew angel face was smokin' but this was a whole new level. Were their fires really that fucking hot

"Did you brats develop other special skills through your quirks?"

"Yes, sensei." The shitty twins nodded at shitty Aizawa. The fucker continued, "We call it our 'seismic sense'." Angel face hummed in agreement.

The what-now sense?

"We made the name up when we were 7." angel face chuckled. "We call it that because we detect vibrations in the earth made by even the slightest to perceive objects, people and other aspects of our environment, kinda like a sonar! We see the earth through our feet."

"When we first developed our seismic sense, "The fucker wiggled his toes from his open-toed tabi shoes. "We were only to feel with our bare feet but now, we can feel it through the soles of our shoes even though it's not as great at being bare footed." the fucker yawned again. Seriously, why the fuck is this dude always yawning? He nodded to angel face cuing her to continue. She rolled her eyes at her fucker of a brother.

"Our seismic sense works best when we're blinded. It helps us perceive our surroundings with greater clarity and precision than normal 20/20 vision. We'd be able to pick up on things that were barely visible or hidden from our line of sight and we'd be know the location of our opponents by their heartbeats and be able to predict their movements." Angel face pointed towards dunce face in the back, "Like how Kami-kun's hunched over behind Sato-kun as he picks his nose!

Dunce face sat upright turning red, embarrassed he was caught by angel face.


What the fuck were those two idiots doing in the locker rooms?

Angel face nodded before her brother stepped forward. "Not only does our seismic sense provide surface vision, the vibrations also travel underground enabling us to detect hidden rooms, caverns and other deep subterranean cavities. " 

The fucker's purple eyes glinted with mischief before he questioned us, "But do you guys wanna know the best thing about it?" The rest of the fuckers nodded their heads and leaned forward, even fucking Aizawa and Cementoss leaned forward, but not me! 

Flashing a smirk to his sister, the fucker dipped his head down and said, "We can detect lies."

The Twin Wonders [  DISCONTINUED  ]Where stories live. Discover now