𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 16 : the offer

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[ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ]

El fuego? Really, Minho? Really?

For someone who was usually quiet, he sure had a flare for the dramatics. Like Jeez, how do girls even find this loser remotely attractive? They should see his part of the room.

'I love my brother but why was he made into this dramatic dumbass? Just- WHY?!'

Scoffing to myself, I decided to cut my idiot brother off. How am I even related to this fool? 

"Like Todo-kun, we generate our flames but we can also take control those from other sources if it's within our vicinity." Taking off my glasses, I handed them to Aoyama, the class Frenchie. "Could you hold this for me Ao-kun?" He nodded and responded with a 'Oui, ma cherie.' with his usual triangle-like smile.

Now that my glasses were safely away from me, I walked over to where my brother stood pouting like the over-grown child he was. "My frames are actually made of tungsten. With a melting point higher than my flames, it wouldn't melt on my face but it will burn me. I know, It happened once when I was younger. " I chuckled recalling that one time I forgot to take them off while working with my fire. They burned an outline over the bridge of my nose and around my eyes and Minho, that little shit, just laughed while his poor, sweet, darling sister was in tears. 

Reaching Minho, I bumped his hip. "It's my turn now, you pabo." He raised his hands in mock surrender before stepping away.

"It's more offense than defense but we can slightly modify it to create walls of fire like earlier. We base it on boxing and Northern Shaolin kung fu. Northern Shaolin's actually the origin of many forms of martial arts and its' movements from various animal behaviors and the Chinese elements. It emphasizes agility, flexibility, stamina and speed. We use it because it's swift, aggressive and expanding, just like el fuego." Okay, whatever, I couldn't help it! We are twins after all.

Facing the direction my idiot brother stood at, a saw him comically take 3 big sidesteps to his right. Rolling my eyes, I placed my right foot in front of me, bent my knees, and raised my fists up by my chin falling into a boxing stance. "It's mostly just sets swift kicks and jabs and spinning movements, basically." In a quick movement, I jabbed the empty space in front of me with my right fist then my left and followed by side kick with my right foot. Streams of bright blue flame ejected from my fists and my sole. 




I stuck my tongue out at Minho who only narrowed his droppy eyes at me and flipped the bird. I opened my mouth to send him a retort but then the bell rung signalling the end of class and the beginning of lunch. Minho and I's eyes widened while everyone began standing up looking a bit disappointed as they gathered by our teachers. Were they disappointed in us?


Did we seriously take up the entire double period to demonstrate our quirks? We didn't even got to show them half of what we could do! What if they they thought we were self-centered assholes? The sports festival was only a few days away! How are they supposed to trai- That's it! 


In a flash, I zipped over to my brother and pulled him down to my level to whisper in his ear. His droopy eyes twinkled at my idea. Kissing my forehead, he grabbed my hand and we rushed to our classmates just as they began to disperse.

"Wait! Guys!" They turned to us and they were... smiling? 

Kirishima saw us and he covered his eyes with his arm. Were those tears? "YOU GUYS WERE SO MANLY!" Yep, those were tears.

"Maria, mon amie!" Aoyama walked up to my side and handed me my glasses. Putting my round glasses on, he complimented me on how 'beautifully sparkling' my blue flames were making me burst and I just thanked him for both the compliment and for holding on to my glasses.

Our classmates burst in excited chatter around us about how awesome our quirks were even though we were only to show them what was just a quarter of it. I saw Bakugo lingering behind the class in silence. He stared blankly at his shoes like he was deep in thought. That's a bit unusual of him. Usually, he'd be yelling at everyone over how loud they were.

"Eh?" I shared a confused look with my brother. "Wait, what? You guys aren't mad?"

Now, everyone looked at each other with a confused look.

"Why the fuck would we be mad, you dumbass?" All eyes fell on Bakugo as the class parted like the red sea. His sharp crimson eyes startled me when he locked it on my purple ones, looking into them with such intensity but behind them, I noticed a glint of an emotion I couldn't recognize.

Shying away from his strong gaze, I looked down at my shoes feeling my face heat up. "B-beacause we took the w-whole double p-period..." Bakugo only clicked his tongue and looked away.

"Oi." Aizawa called out from the gym doors. "Those brats wanted to see your quirks. If anything, it's their own faults that they weren't able to train. Now, get changed before you miss lunch." He said before walking out the doors. Our classmates sent us smiles before moving to walk away but they stopped when they heard me and Minho shout.


They turned to us shocked and confused as to why we bowed deeply to them. 

"Woah, guys! Please get up! N-n-not that it's not m-manly or anything!"

"Train, kero?"

"PL-P-PLEASE STAND UP! IT'S INAPPROPRIATE OF US TO LET YOU DO THAT!" We saw set of engine legs suddenly appear in front of us and felt someone forcibly pull our bodies upward. Straightening up, we so Yaomomo approach from behind Iida. 

"What do you mean Maria-san? Minho-san? I believe some third years have already had Gym Gamma booked for after class?"

Minho and I bashfully looked away our cheeks slightly tinging. 

"Actually, Yaoyoruzu-san... We have our own training grounds ehe" 

"But only if you guys want too..." 


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