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(A/N-edited- THE MASK IN THE STORY IS HYPOTHETICAL, NOT AN ACTUAL MASK! (;'ٹ') so many people were confused just wait till you find the comments)

~3rd Person POV~

Hinata slowly starts to wake up as he brings his legs up into a cradle position. He feels a sudden burn on his inner thigh as he lifts it up; making him realize it was a carpet burn and he was in the living room...on the floor...

'what? how did i get he-' hinata thought to himself till his memory came back and he rememberd that his father came home early last night.

This was never good...if his father came home early that means it was a good chance Hinata was going to wake up half-dead, beaten up. Actually no, that's an understatement. It was almost impossible for him not to be beaten to a pulp by his father.

'SHIT NATSU' He suddenly thought, pushing all his other thoughts out, he panicked knowing he passed out cold from yet another beating and left natsu in her room alone.

what if she got hurt? what if he hurt her? what if he ra- NO SHE IS OK .HE DIDNT, NO HE WOULDNT . I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. He jerked his body up forgetting about his prior beating, letting out a small screech as he felt something dig into his side abdomen.

"Aaa-" he yelled, quickly shutting him self up part way though. "fuck" Hinata whispered, furrowing his eyebrows; glass was loged into his side. But right now he didn't even care and wincing though the pain he tried to reach natsu's room on the second floor hallway.

He knocks on Natsu's door knock..knock....knock. This was their secret knock so Natsu new to open the door only to that knock.

The door was shot open and Natsu threw herself at Hinata crying "I'm s-so sorry onii-chan I sh-should have helped y-you ! I'm s- sorry! I h-heard you screaming. he-he hurt you a-again didn't he?...onii-Chan?

Hinata wanted to cry so bad. Natsu was squeezing him so tight making his body ache more awfully than it already was. Yet he didn't even care, he just felt guilty, he felt like he caused this...he is the reason Natsu has to hide...he is the reason his father hates him...he is the reason mom died...

of course your the reason stupid

look what you have done to Natsu...


Your dad was right you ARE a waste of space

so disgusting

so ugly

so problematic

just die no one would care

'No! I- I know. b-but I cant leave natsu!' Hinata spoke in his head back to the voices; he was shaking terrified as he had never done this before.

Snapping out of his thoughts he hugged Natsu back saying "its fine ok? im alright. I'm sorry for not coming back up." Natsu shook her head "n-no onii-chan! your n-not al-alright! i know he hu-hurt you!" she sobbed still wrapped around hinata like a pillow.

Hinata looked down and gave Natsu a final squeeze scrunching his eyes at the pain "come on go get dressed you have school today. Why dont you wear that pink penguin jumper it looks so cute on you" Hinata said softly; but confident enough so Natsu understood.

"o-ok Shoyo" Natsu whisperd and walked back into her room watching hinata walk to his room as well.

Hinata was now in the bathroom crying, crying because he felt over-ridden with guilt and shame, He looked down at his bruised and cut up body feeling the need to puke at the very own sight. As his thoughts intesified and nausea increased, back came the voice.

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