~𝚐𝚘 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢~ //𝟷𝟺

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"w-what?" I asked, praying to God I mis-heard. "you heard me. If you die, I die" Kei said again. "no! don't do that! I-I don't w-want you to d-die Kei! y-you don't deserve it" I started to cry even more. "I promised I'll never leave you, remember? I don't intend on breaking that promise. Wherever you go, I go."

recap end

Silence walked into the room. I couldn't believe what he was saying, I refused to believe it, I wouldn't believe it. I deserved to die not him. "no, don't! people need you." I said unconvincingly. "and you think people don't need you? Who would Kageyama send his ridiculous sets to? Who would look after natsu? Who would Tanka and Noya call their favourite kohai? Who would bring happiness onto the court? who would actually make me feel something?" Kei said, I could see tears swelling in his eyes.

"Shoyo if you died I'd break" This time more than just a single tear fell down his face, he was crying almost as much as me. I felt so guilty, he was in so much pain because of me.

'yes he is pain, SO JUST GO DIE ALREADY!' 'would that make him feel better?' 'YES NOW DIE YOU UGLY FAGGOT!' 'ok I wi- No! I WONT! Kei needs me and I understand that now, he needs me, I just know it, he IS pain but if I try get better it will stop, I realise that now. I'm not dying yet' 'NO HE DOESNT IDIOT JUST GO DIE!' 'go away.' I thought, battling with the voice.

'The voice actually went away..' I thought again. I had never once been able to stand up to voice successfully, it would never go unless I cut myself. But just then in that moment when I told it to go away...it did. I felt relieved, proud, happy, I was in one of the worse situations I could possibly be in...but I felt the happiest I had in weeks, months. How? Why? Oh who knows?

I smiled and clenched onto the ends of my shirt "I'm sorry Kei, for everything, I get it now, I'll try my best. I promise" I turned my head around and kissed him. He was taken back at my sudden mood change and therefore asked "what with the mood change?" "I managed to do something and it made me the happiest I've been in a while". Kei patted my head and whispered in my ear "good thing your happy now, but tell a single soul a shed a few tears and your dead meat". At first I was aroused as my ears sensitivity is through the roof, but then I realised what he said and started shaking my hands rapidly in front of me "don't worry, don't worry, I won't tell anyone hehe" "tch- good"

Kiyoko ran back into the bathroom and I jumped off Kei's lap quickly embarrassed. "lol you guys are so obvious" Kiyoko said laughing a bit.

Coach Ukai walked in after her and said "Hinata!" I flinched a little "S-Sorry coach I erm had a panic attack, sorry" "No need to be sorry but we still need to talk about your current situation" "mhm"

~3rd Person POV~

Coach Ukai, the three third years, and the two second years made their way back to the gym, full of curious team members wondering what the hell was wrong with their little crow. Around 5 minutes later Daichi slid open the gym doors and straight away "Ok lets continue practice now, sorry "

"WHAT!?" Kageyama yelled. Hinata slid behind Tsuki and clutched onto his shirt like a lost kid. "Don't yell Kageyama!" Before Kageyama could carry on. Noya stepped in "I'm sorry coach but we cant just continue on with practice as if nothing happened..we heard most of you crying and we already knew Hinata was struggling, so were just left worried with no answers" For once the brown haired boy was being serious. "I-I know but we ca-" Daichi was soon cut of by Hinata "no its fine I'll tell them they should probably know anyway, erm I don't want to go into to much detail about it but I cant tell you what basically going on"

"Hinata you don't have to" Suga said patting his shoulder. "I know I want to"

Hinata told the team what happened. They all hugged the poor boy, apologised to him, promised him support. Hinata felt loved, for the first time in his life people needed him.

...........The next day....

Hinata and the team decided that he needed to tell the police about his dad and everything he has done. He agreed as long as Tsuki came with him. Obviously Tsuki was more than happy to come with him and so they ended up staying at his house. Natsu had to come as well so she just stayed on the bed whilst Tsuki and Hinata shared the couch.

Natsu yawned groggily as squinted her eyes to adjust to the light, she then laid down on the massive bed and looked up at the ceiling 'Oni-Chan is getting better, maybe father will stop hurting him, I will have to thank his boyfriend' She had a huge smile on her face and soon got up to make breakfast. Hinata had taught her how in case he ever couldn't. She started to make pancakes when Tsuki started to wake up.

He stretched his arms over and reached for his glasses "what's th- *yawn* -at smell?" He said groggily. "I'm making pancakes!" Natsu turned over to Tsuki and jumped up and down smiling with an apron 3X her size draping onto the floor. "You can cook?" Tsuki asked. "yeah Oni-Chan taught me how, I hope you like them" "I will" He then noticed the massive apron she was wearing and chuckled. "w-what's so funny" The small ginger pouted. "dearie me" Tsuki chuckeld walking over to Natsu slowly and telling her to turn around. She went wide-eyed for a second scared, after the trauma from her father "Don't be sc-" Tsuki was about to say before Natsu interrupted "Don't worry I trust you, you are Oni-Chan's boyfriend. You have made him happy so I could never be scared of you French fry". Tsuki smiled a small bit and then hand gestured his finger telling her to turn around. He folded the apron over so it was only to her knee-caps and said "Wai I'd you call me French fry?" The little girl laughed and went back to making the pancakes "tch- I'm gonna wake up Sho now"

Tsuki crouched down and started to shake Hinata gently telling him to wake up. Hinata suddenly jolted up panting, Natsu's head straight away whipped around toward her brother "its just me, don't worry. Your safe. Your ok. Your with me, Kei" Tsuki held his face and whispered those words to him, he calmed down right away "sorry" "its fine come on mini you made pancakes"

Natsu smiled at her Oni-Chan and then thought to herself 'There so cute togetherrrrrr I ship them so muchhhhh. Imp glad he found him though, he seems to love him a lot.'

"Its ok, Its ok, Its ok, Its ok, Its ok, Its ok, " Hinata kept mumbling to himself. He had eaten breakfast with Tsuki and Natsu, then taking Natsu to Coach Ukai's. Him and Tsuki were now walking down the street to the police station.

hinata started to break down, his breath shortening and panic rising "Kei I cant do this" He whimpered. Kei didn't answer, he just scooped up the poor boy bridal style and started to draw circles on his neck. Hinata buried his face into his boyfriends shoulder and let himself calm down.

At the police station, Tsuki said they had something important to speak about with someone and were then sent to a small room with a table and two chairs either side. After around 15 minutes a young woman maybe in her middle-twenties walked in she had long brown hair, blue eyes, and silver circle framed glasses "hello my name is Pam, (A/N- totally not using the name of my therapist 0-0 never...) I was told you had something important you wanted to talk about. Please know I will be noting down what you say, is that ok?" Pam gave a gentle smile towards Hinata clearly noticing his fragility.

Hinata started to scratch at his old cute from a couple days ago making them bleed. Tsuki saw this and grabbed his hand immediately to stop him. "Do you want me to do most the talking?" Tsuki proposed to Hinata. "y-yes"

A/N- Today wasn't really a good day so this chapter is pretty short and not the best, I'm so sorry. It normally takes me 1 1/2 to make a 2000 word chapter but this one is only 1500 and took me 2 hours. I'm fine though, nothing happened it was just an off-day for some reason. hehe sorry I'm babbling about depressing stuff. Oh I wanted to say that I have almost reached 3.5K views and so thank you for that, honestly. I love you all, so see you in the next chapter cookies. 1601 words.

Baiiii <3

𝟿 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ~Tsuki x Hinata~Where stories live. Discover now