~𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚕~ //𝟽

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(A/N-edited-I have the song 'WAP' stuck in my head and now ik all the lyrics...im disappointed in my self...~GobBlE mE sWaLlOw Me~ SORRYYYY. Chile as always, back to the story>)


I follow Hinata soon catching up seeing him enter the bathroom at the end of the hall, I walk in right as he slams the bathroom door.

recap end

"Hinata! get the fuck out now or ill just break this door"

"n-no I c-cant keep it in ill g-get fat" I heard him respond. "idiot. your not fat, if anything your too skinny now get out". I waited but all I heard was him lift up the lid hitting the back of the toilet seat. I knew he was going to puke and I never go back on my word so I twist the lock with my fingernails and slam it open with my right foot. 'SLAM'

"I told you to come out" I dragged Hinata away rom the toilet holding him in my arms and sitting down against the cubicle wall. He was in-between my legs shuffling around trying to get out my hold... twice...twice I have had to restrain this shrimp -tch. Ugh but I guess it's worth it?

"Hinata I'm not going to let you go nor am I going to accept that fake smile of yours so you can cry now." I'm honestly fed up of that fake smile of his so I might as well tell him so he'll stop. Hinata then started crying with his head down, clutching onto my arms (they were basically twice the size of his)

...........10 minuets after........... (time skip or not? idk)

"I'm sorry you have to deal with me Tsuki I'm so problematic" His eyes were open looking down at the floor. I could tell how much guilt he was feeling so I had to pause a minute to say the right thing. "I told you Hinata I like helping you, I like you" I said hoping he would get the hint.

"what why" he answered so obnoxiously clueless to the fact I liked him.

Before I knew it Tsuki spun me around onto his lap facing him and kissed me, I never had kissed anyone like this before but I'm not complaining..

"well we should probably get back to Suga now he was worried about you"

"o-oh yeah and e-erm thanks Tsuki" I looked at him with a small genuine smile.

"what a rare sight an actual smile" He laughed a bit and then held out his hand. I gladly took it and we walked back to the canteen hand in hand. I found it a bit embarrassing but Tsuki didn't seem to mind that much.

"Hinata, are you ok?" Suga came to me with Sugamama mode on but still keeping his voice down. "yeah he's fine, I mean he tried to throw it up but I busted in and we had a nice 'chat' " Tsuki looked at me 'yeah a nice chat...pft'  I thought.

"o-oh ok, Hinata if you need to talk I'm here ok along with Daichi; and in case your wondering no-one else knows yet but Me, Daichi, and Tsuki." Suga smiled at me saying his words.

"thanks Suga I don't really want anyone else to know" I said. It was hard enough even having don't Tsuki know to be honest.


Now heading back home for once I was focused on something more than my Fathers daily beatings: Tsuki. 'so are me and Tsuki a thing now? I think I like him a lot and he should like me otherwise he wouldn't have kissed me. Wait he wont tell anyone about what happened will he? no the lamp-post isn't that much of a dick. Plus if he did I would be so embarrassed I might even quit volleyball. ugh.'  Before I knew it I was at my front yard gate and as soon as I looked over at the beer bottles by the door I snapped out of it. I couldn't even get a single thought in my mind other than my Dad now. Even though I had to go through this every day for years. Not a single one of those days I've ever been fully prepared and calm about walking through the door...not a single ...one.

"one in, two out, three in, four out, five in, six out. I did a breathing technique Suga found on the web for me. "ok" I turned the knob on the door and continued to push the door open.

"FAGGOT COME HERE NOW!" I walk over pinching my left arm. "HURRY" I came over and stood in front of the brown leather couch and said "y-yes". "Get me a beer now!" I speed walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge. (as per usual it was just beer, vodka, and a sandwich) I grab the beer and head back over to my Father "here s-sir" he snatched the beer out of my hand and pat his hand on the seat next to him "sit". He said that to me like I was some sort of doll ; his property. Of course though I sat down and waited for him to speak.

"now tell me faggot why did you kill your mother?" I froze in shock.


"mommy mommy I'm hungry can I get some ice cweam!?" Hinata said with a big smile on his face and pleading eyes. "I'm sorry love I was going to stay home today." Hinata's Mum said. "awwwwww please mommy! I rly want ice cweam!" Hinata begged his mummy and she eventually gave in, driving to the ice cream shop. "YAY thanks so much mommy" The 5 year old boy said. "ahah don't worry its ok" The loving Mother responded.

All was fine and the two reached the ice-cream place, they both ended up getting the honeycomb ice cream flavour.

'POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW' 9 shots...a middle-aged man around 6 foot 1, brown hair, red shirt, and grey baggy jeans walked in and fired. he fired 8 shots before shooting himself to make 9. Of the 9 shots made 2 people were injured and 3 dead.

Hinata's Mother had leaned over the table to Protect her little baby and ended up taking two of the shots in her side chest. "m-mommy M-MOMMY!. H-HELP M-M-MOMMY. MOMMY". Hinata's mother didn't make it...she died with the second shot.

Flashback End

"I-I didn't m-mean t-to" Hinata trembled crying. If he was crying at his harshness of his Fathers words or of the fact he remembered what he did, he didn't know. But tears were streaming down his eyes "I-I'm s-sorry I d-dint m-" he was cut off by a whack to the face making him fall off the couch. "YOU STUPID IDIOT YOU KILLED HER YOU RUINED EVERYTHING" His Father was now punching Hinata with every word "DIE *punch* DIE *punch* DIE *punch* DIE *punch* this went on and on for about 5 minutes of repetitive punches, slurs, curses, and him being told to die.

!DISCLAIMER I got inspiration for the kiss scene off another book about Kuroo x Hinata. I already had the bathroom idea but I took a lot of points from that book. I forgot what its called though, please put it in the comments so I can credit! (might be 'broken')

A/N- Ok so I actually found this chapter really hard to write in general. First I have never wrote a smut scene and It felt kind of weird and I'm not sure if I did ok. Like I said I used things I've read off other books to try write it. I also had trouble writing the eating disorder bit it kind of make me feel uncomfortable as I kind of have one. Not the throwing up I just limit my eating so don't worry. I'm telling you guys this because this is a sensitive story and I know some people might struggle reading it, so I should be honest. I'm always here to talk about ANYTHING no matter how stupid it may be so don't feel alone my cute cookies I wuv you all so much now gimme sum hugs(>ω<). 2030 Words.

Baiiii <3

𝟿 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ~Tsuki x Hinata~Where stories live. Discover now