~𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑~ //𝟷𝟻

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(A/N-edited-I actually took the day off school today because ya bitch wus stressed. hehe. I just told my mum I didn't feel well though, because she wouldn't of let me off otherwise. And finally...I have to do it.... ChIle AnYwAys BaCk To ThE sToRy> (LOL ITS LIKE A YT INTRO ISTG)


At the police station, Tsuki said they had something important to speak about with someone and were then sent to a small room with a table and two chairs either side. After around 15 minutes a young woman maybe in her middle-twenties walked in she had long brown hair, blue eyes, and silver circle framed glasses "hello my name is Pam, (A/N- totally not using the name of my therapist 0-0 never...) I was told you had something important you wanted to talk about. Please know I will be noting down what you say, is that ok?" Pam gave a gentle smile towards Hinata clearly noticing his fragility.

Hinata started to scratch at his old cute from a couple days ago making them bleed. Tsuki saw this and grabbed his hand immediately to stop him. "Do you want me to do most the talking?" Tsuki proposed to Hinata. "y-yes"

recap end

"Will you be reporting everything we say" Tsuki looked over towards the young lady "yes, why?" "Just checking, make sure you write everything down" "I will no worries"

"I'm Kei Tsukishima and this is Shoyo Hinata as you probably already know. I'm fine but Shoyo's not. His mother sadly passed away when he was younger and his dad has been a shit tip ever since. He started to beat Shoyo. Its got so bad he almost had to go to the hospital. He still does it now and its getting worse. The fucking monster has also raped Shoyo. I don't know how many times but I know its happened once as I saw clear rape marks on his thighs. He is verbally and physically abusing Shoyo."

Hinata started to squirm and cry a little. He took his hand back from Tsuki's clutch and started to scratch at his scars making them bleed again. However his boyfriends immediately went to try take his hand again. Hinata moved it away so he couldn't. "Shoyo no" Tsuki said. Hinata let his guard off for a second and Tsuki immediately brought his hand to him again and gripped even tighter. He struggled a bit trying to shuffle it out but couldn't "Is everything ok? You should probably let go of his hand" Pam said worriedly. "no I forgot to mention, Hinata has a lot of problems. He has severe anxiety, an eating disorder, suicidal thoughts, and self harms. So I'm not going to let go of his hand, he's gonna hurt himself" Tsuki mentioned.

Pam paused for a second to note down everything Tsuki had said. "Ok then, just keep hold of his hand for now" She gave a small smiled towards the tall blonde. "Ok I think I understand the situation, it says here you have a younger sister Hinata, is she ok?" "Y-yes she I-is with m-my coach" "coach? you play a sport" Pam rested her head in her hands and looked towards Hinata. "Y-yes volleyball" "Hm I've never really seen a volleyball match before I could maybe watch you play one day" Hinata felt safe and calm, for some reason he trusted that woman straight away, something about her aura was...comforting...welcoming.

"S-sure" He said wiping his tears. "I promise I will. But for today your going to have to do some pretty difficult stuff, me and your boyfriend will help you thought it though so don't worry" "H-he's not my b-boyfriend" Hinata said blushing. "Honey its fine I'm not against it, its pretty obvious anyway" She gave a little smirk at Hinata and he ended up giggling back.

"Ok so first I need to ask you if I can see your injuries for the report, if you don't feel comfortable the hospital will have a look anyway and give me the information on them."

Tsuki looked over to his boyfriend "it your choice, don't worry shrimp?" "erm I-I will show y-you" "want me to help?" "mhm". Tsuki finally let go of the ginger hair's hand and lifted his shirt off him, he then rolled his joggers up to the tops of his thighs. Hinata looked down at the hand prints and started to have a flashback of what happened.

flashback (!RAPE WARNING!)

"AHH-" I started to scream but then remembered Natsu in the bathroom and slammed my hand over my mouth "ha you wont be able to stay quiet for long" He pounded into me again twice as hard. I managed to keep in my moans, more like screams, "STILL QUIET HUH". shit. he was starting to get annoyed. Now going in and out as hard as he could I simply couldn't keep them in. It hurt so much. "~AhhhHH~" "STO~Oooo~" "AHH~hhHhh~" 

flashback (!RAPE ENDING!)

He started to hyperventilate "NO PLEASE NO STOP I CANT PLEASE STOP HELP ME SOMEONE" He yelled through his short breaths. He proceeded to fall off his chair and curl up on the ground rocking back and fourth "STOP PLEASE HELP ME ANYONE" He yelled again, scratching rapidly at his cuts, blood dripping down his arm. 

Tsuki jumped up from his seat and sat behind Hinata wrapping his arms slowly around his waist so he knew it was him "Sho its me Kei, he's not here, I'm here, He wont hurt you, I wont hurt you, he's not got you, I've got you"

Even though his breathes were becoming a tiny bit more stable, he was still hurting himself with his fingernails. "Pam can you please hold his hand he's doing it again without realising" "ok" She crouched down in front of Hinata and gently took his hands he struggled at first but soon gave in to her calming touch.

Hinata had calmed down a little and Tsuki sat back down, lifting his pitiful boyfriend onto his lap. Hinata blushed a little and thought 'oh god this is so embarrassing, no this is more gay then anything' He snapped out of it though when Pam said ''you alright now?'' Hinata nodded ''sorry you can have a proper look now'' ''no need to be sorry I understand, I'm going to take a look now ok tell me if you don't want to continue'' Pam said kindly. Again, Hinata nodded.
The woman walked over with her note book in one hand and pen in the other, she started at his ankles seeing they were all bruised from where he has been dragged, then his knees which were all bruised, she noted down the injuries and moved onto his thighs. They were probably the worst...hand prints, cuts, self inflicted cuts, bruises, old scars, burns, it was a sight for sore eyes. she looked up at Hinata's blood-shot eyes and said ''can I?'' implying if she could touch his thighs to see the damage. ''y-yes'' he replied. She gave a did smile and gently ran her fingers over the bruises and burns ''this shouldn't of happened to you, I will not rest until he is behind bars, I swear on my life'' She whispered. Hinata's throat was too sore from shouting to answer her again so Tsuki spoke up ''thank you'' 


Pam had finished checking Hinata and said she would send some police to go collect Natsu and bring her to Hinata whilst armed of police officers would bring there father here as well.
Of course Hinata was told to go to the hospital as several of his wounds were infected.


Hinata, Natsu, and Tsuki all were drove to the hospital by a police car and Hinata was admitted straight away.
''K-Kei I'm scared'' Hinata whispered. ''everything's fine, there getting him now whilst you and Natsu are with me. don't worry.''  ''mhm''
Hinata lay down on the hospital bed with Natsu and Tsuki next to him, he was asked questions about the injury's and how they happened. But once that was done they started to treat him. Natsu and Tsuki has to leave the room.

~Tsuki's POV~

"Natsu come on we have to leave" I said. "No I want to stay with Oni-Chan" "Natsu he needs to be treated so come on I'll get you a drink or something" I tried to sound nice but that kind of stuff just doesn't work for me. I only let down my guard when I need to. Natsu looked down in disappointment and then walked over to me and said "can you carry me then" "why" "if you want me to leave carry me out" "fine" I crouched down as she jumped onto my back "yay I miss this". I was first confused at what she meant by 'missed this' but just shrugged it off.

A/N- I actually wrote this yesterday but I forgot to publish it lol. I just checked this book and realised it has 3.83K views now! Thank you all sm and next chapter will be out today or tomorrow, I hope your enjoying this and doing well my cookies! (^ω^). 1525 words.

Baiii <3

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