~𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚜~ //𝟷𝟶

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(A/N-edited-I actually can't believe this☛☚...i have reached 1K views <3 I'm honestly so happy right now I never thought this would get more than a hundred or two views! I wuv you all so much. You don't even understand happy it makes me that someone wants to look at something I've wrote! So thank you all ma cookies>~<. Ok I'll start writing now hehe, ChIlE aNyWaYs >)


I bring my hand back down and place the blade back on the desk so I can hug Shoyo. After we hugged for a couple minuets I ask "Do you have any more? Please don't lie to me" I hate making myself this vulnerable but I have to be able to help Shoyo. "y-yes" He looks down like he is ashamed in himself. "Don't feel bad ok? I know you cant help it. Just show me where they are" He continued to open his top draw, revealing around 20 different kinds of blades, razors, pocket knifes. I took them all and placed them in my bag. "don't ever hurt yourself again" I say grabbing his arms and pulling up his sleeves. "I don't want to see your arms covered in any new marks". "I'll try" he whispered. "thank you, now c'mon shrimp lets go bed its getting late." I whisper into his ear by accident. He turns bright red. I giggle a bit remembering how much of a sensitive body he has. "Tsuki!" "that time wasn't actually on purposes now stop being horny and get in" I smirked. "y-yes gomen"

recap end

~Hinata POV~

Me and Kei got into my bed and soon we both drifted off too sleep. However, later on I had another nightmare. These would actually happen quite often to me, about 3 or 4 times a week. Normally they were about my Dad and him doing stuff to me: it was no different this time. I jerk up panting, struggling for breath. I ended up waking Kei as I nudged him slightly when I shot up. He started to rub his eyes and saw me sat up crying. He slowly but surely sat up as well and hugged me, drawing circles on my neck. It felt kind of pathetic of me, but I was tired and just fell right back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at 5AM as usual. Even though I turned off my alarm the night before. My body always just knew to wake up at around 5, I mean after all I have been waking up at that time since I was 9. I have to wake up before my dad does so that means waking up at 5 and Natsu at half 5.

Anyhow, I got up and headed to my bathroom to take a shower. I hear Kei starting to wake up from the faint noise of the shower. "jeez his hearing really is good" I whisper under my breath. Undressing, I lift up my shirt and stair into the mirror hanging above the sink. a tear. a thought. a memory. 'I'm so fat, father says so, the people at school say so, the voices say so, I'll just eat less' A small tear makes its way down my face, followed by another, and another. Before I knew it I was crying silently, tears just streamed down my face.

Quite a few minuets passed and then there was a knock on the door. Kei. "what's taking so long? you've been like 15 minuets" He said. "oh -e-erm gomen i-ill be done in 5" I stuttered trying to cover my croaky voice. The door lock immediately turned and the door swung open. Kei walked over and hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my head in front of the mirror. I just closed my eyes in his embrace. It felt so nice. So safe. I never wanted to let go. Kei isn't much of a hugger so I'm surprised he lasted a minuet before his mouth opened "your not even in yet". He sighed "I've already told you to stop putting yourself down haven't I? Now take your shower". "ok but don't just unlock the door like that...privacy ya know?" I said, kind of annoyed Kei just opened the door without even a warning. "no. If I think you could be doing something I'll open the door". "that's just annoyyyyinnggggg" I complained. "oh well" he answered back

~Third person POV~

When Tsuki was done hugging Hinata, they both got ready and arrived at school early. As they headed for the bottom of the hill Hinata saw Kageyama waiting for their race. He ran over and tapped him on the shoulder. "hey shrimp" Kageyama said. "MY NAME ISN'T SHRIMP" Hinata shouted. "no need to be so loud Shoyo" Tsuki said rolling his eyes. "The hell why are YOU here and more importantly why did you use Hinata's first name?" Kageyama's eyebrows furrowed.

Tsuki approached Kageyama who was standing next to Hinata and said "first of all I stayed at Shoyo's house and he ended up waking me up so I came early and for your second question my highness"...

Tsuki bent down ever so slightly and kissed Hinata. Hinata blushed horrifically and Tsuki's bold action. Also considering the fact he wasn't even sure if he was going to tell the team or not. Tsuki pulled away and continued to walk up the hill "I'd say it's pretty self explanatory"

The raven and ginger haired boys stood frozen both not even knowing what to say...

"e-erm so yeah we are erm dating i guess now hehe" Hinata rubbed the back of his neck. "You and Him. its. its just. out of all of us he finds you most annoying. I don't get it. pft" Kageyama scoffed. "me neither but I've always liked him so it makes me happy he likes me back" Hinata looked down and a small genuine smile was on his face. Kageyama saw this and couldn't help but smiling as well at his happiness "well if it makes you happy I can deal with it" He said "maybe you will be a bit quieter". "Kageyamaaaaaa don't be so mean!" Hinata frowned. "Well fine but...RACE STARTS NOW!!!" He shouted. "WHAT NO FAIR" The small ginger yelled whilst running up the hill.

They ran all the way to the top, passing Tsuki on his walk, and lying down like panting dogs in front of the gym doors. But as soon as they saw Daichi and Suga arrive in the distance they sprang up and said "Heyyy" "HIIIIIII!".

"Hey Kageyama, Hinata, oh and Tsuki?" Daichi said questioning Tsuki's presence. "I stayed at Shoyo's and he ended up waking me by accident so I tagged along with him". "ah okay" Daichi smiled but then that soon turned into a puzzled look "wait did you call Hin-" Before he could finish his sentence he felt a harsh kick to the foot. "Ow! What was that for?" Daichi wined, turning his head to Suga. Suga just gave him the eye and Daichi shut up by himself this time. Suga grabbed the keys and gave a warm smile "okay lets go in".

Suga knew that Tsuki and Hinata both liked each other so he assumed one of them finally asked the other out. 'I'm glad one of them finally got the guts to ask the other yesterday. It looks like nothings wrong so far but I swear to Asahi I will kill Tsuki if he touched Hinata or did anything to him whilst he stayed at his house last night. But he's walking fine and even looks a bit more happy today'

Soon enough the rest of the team arrived and practice began

(A/N- idk what to put here so ima just time skip to after practice...sowwy :c)

Hinata was packing the rest of his gym clothes back into his bag when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. He flinched forward and brought his hands to his face. "Hinata its only me, sorry baby" Suga crouched down on his knees "Hinata can I ask why you flinch. I know you say its because Kageyama sometimes hits you but you don't react like that to a tap". "sorry" Hinata whispered looking down hoping he can avoid the question. "no no don't be sorry. Its not a problem that you flinch I just wanted to make sure everything is ok" Suga's relaxing voice made Hinata feel so safe a bit like when Tsuki hugs him. But it wasn't the right place or time to tell Suga yet. 'no not now I will tell Suga later, not now it's the wrong place and it's class in a couple minuets' "Don't worry about it. Just meet with me later on and tell me ok? or we can even just chat" It was like Suga just read the broken crows mind. That's mother instincts for you. Ears like monkeys and eyes like eagles.

Class went on as normal for Hinata, a few insults here and there, a rubber thrown at his head, and then falling sleep. This rotation of events lasted until 4th Period before he went into lunch. Lunch, the time he was forced to eat, The time he would breakdown, The time Tsuki would actually show some affection. Lunch time could be a whole book on its own.

A/N- I'm still trying to comprehend the fact I have 1K views like I'm actually shocked when I checked it last it had 600. I only started this 2 weeks ago and its grown sm already. This chapter is pretty short though today, as school was a bit stressful(^v^) but don't worry I'm managing, just some nasty girls talking shit about me and mentioning my scars. If you know what I mean you will understand the pain of someone pointing them out. But I made up an excuse and got myself out of the situation whilst in an anxiety attack. Honestly that right there is real talent(o) JCNDFSDM WAIT! IM BABBLING AGAIN ARENT I? OMG I NEED TO STOP NOW. hehe sorry bout dat and this chapter: it isn't the greatest but I'll go back and improve it another day. For now tho, have all ma wuv and stay safe pwease I need all of you cookies ʕʔ.1666 words.

Baiiii <3

𝟿 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ~Tsuki x Hinata~Where stories live. Discover now