•A date with you [edited]•

790 33 42


~Y/n P.O.V.~

I woke up and its a nice Saturday morning. I think about how bad yesterday turned out to be and I want to immediately slap myself. "UGH you're so goddamn dumb!? How did I say 'Its nice to hang out with you' instead of "Hey Togami-kun, I liks you'?!" I scream all that into my pillow as the need to burry myself worsens.

Then I sit up and think of a way to confess today instead. "I guess I should text him first and ask him to go out with me today?" I muttered as I took out my phone and texted him.


Good morning Togami-kunnn
How are you?

Good morning.
I'm good.
Is there something you want?

Well yeahh
Wanna go to the cafeteria today?


To grab some coffee and chillax??

I need to see if I have enough time.

Yes I indeed to have time.
When would you like to meet up?

4pm maybe?


See you then!



"Man, he sure texts pretty dryly..." I mutter as I stand up. Its only 11am, but I decided to get ready anyways.

I have some awesome plans. This will be somewhat a "first date" and I already planned it through kinda.
First of all we are going shopping, after that we'll eat some french sweets, maybe buying some macarons, after that we'll eat something.

And after THAT we will go to a romantic place with beautiful lights that opened just recently.
As I finished getting ready, I opened the door, checked if I got everything I needed and started to walk to the cafeteria.
Not only 10 min later I arrived and I saw Byakuya sitting there, drinking his coffee.

"Coffee again?" I asked as I sat down
"No, as promised I bought hot chocolate today." He answered as he took a sip. "It really tastes good."
"I told you so." I said as he just shrugged. I went to buy my own drink for the morning.

We two drank the hot chocolates and went outside afterwards to go shopping. We walked from place to place to find nothing really interesting. Only in the end, we found a place that actually sold nice things.
Togami-kun bought some pyjamas and some clothes and I looked after some dresses for the summer which will start soon enough. Without knowing, 2 hours passed by and I got hungry. Right then, Togami-kun suggested to eat somewhere.

"Where should we eat? I could take you to a restaurant." He suggested.
"Which one?" I asked as he responded,"There is one not even far from here. Its called 'Restaurant Adria'. Its supposed to be really good." I agreed to his idea and so, we started walking there.

Pretty convenient since it will be even closer to the place I want to take him.
We both went to the restaurant and sat down as I spotted my mum there too. She was eating dinner with another woman, a friend of her I suppose?
Soon, a waitress came and took our orders. I glanced over to my mum a few times but didn't go to her, that would ruin our 'date' in some sorts and also my mum probably came here to relax and not to see her child...

After a while of sitting there and eating our dinner, I saw my mum stand up, probably to leave. As she did, the woman next to her also stood up, smiling brightly at her. My mum's back was turned against us, so she didn't see me. Then the two of them got closer and I expected them to hug each other but something even more shocking happened.

My mum and that woman kissed. Like on the lips. As I saw that my eyes widened and I almost choked on my food.
"L/n-san, are you okay?" Togami-kun asked. I decided to answer truthfully,"My mum is here with a woman... they... kissed?" I said as I looked over to them.
"Kissed? But isn't your mum married to your dad or something?" He asked, confused.
"I mean they are... but maybe my mum is actually a lesbian and isn't happy with my dad?" I thought out loud as he spoke up.

"Making up assumptions isn't really the best thing to do. Maybe later on you should talk with your mother about that." He suggested. I nodded,"Yeah I guess you're right.."
Still, she could've just told my dad about it. They could've talked it out. Even if she is a lesbian and isn't happy with dad, betraying him isn't the way out.

After being lost in thought for a while, I finished my dinner and excused myself to the bathroom. Togami-kun nodded and as I arrived, the waitress was there and he was paying for our dinner.

"Thank you mister, here is your exchange." The waitress said.
"Ugh but I wanted to pay it!" I said, annoyed.
"Well, you weren't here." He said as he just shrugged.
"Then let me get a revenge for that. C'mon move it." I said as I started dragging him out of the restaurant.
"What are you talking abou-" he wanted to resist but wasnt able to.

I just took his hand and brought him to the place with the beautiful lights.
There was the full moon and a river which made the atmosphere pretty romantic.

"Do you like it? It opened just today." I said as he looked around.
"It has a really nice view." He simply said.

We took our seats and as I watched the moon, I can tell that he was glancing at me.
After a drink, we walked around the area which looked wonderfull.

We sat down on a bench and it was just like in a dream.
We talked about some things like some random conversations that just come. Near us was a restaurant and there was playing a calm and soothing piano piece from Mozart.

I decided to confess to him right here. "Togami-kun? I have something to tell you." I told him just like yesterday.
"Hopefully its nothing useless again." He said a bit harshly.
I started to get nervous again. Then I decided to take a deep breath, and to relax at the pianos noises.

"I like you." I just blurted out.
"...what?" He said as he turned around to me.
"You heard me. I, L/n Y/n, like you, Togami Byakuya."
"Pft, who doesn't like me." He said.
"I mean romantically." I said as I looked over at him. His eyes widened,"Oh."
He then looked at the ground. "I- I need some time to think of an answer. I'm not sure about my feelings towards you, to be frank." He said as I nodded.

"Leave yourself the time you need." I said.


Woo wooo a lesbian mum??? Yessir, we need some fruitiness in this fanfic and this is the best idea
Tbh while this book is on editing, this is the best part I could've added hehehe...

Byakuya x Reader [edited/finished]Where stories live. Discover now