•Family issues [edited]•

600 24 26

Tw: guns, parental fight, Y/n having to be special


~Y/n P.O.V.~

It was now 9pm, the day after the date. I've still been waiting for a response from Togami-kun, but after my confession we just parted ways and didn't talk again after that. I sighed heavily.
I looked at the mirror in my room as I started to doubt my actions.

That was until I heard yelling from downstairs, it were my parents.
I decided to head down and see what was happening, having in mind the fact that my mum might be a lesbian.
'Maybe dad found out?", I thought as I shook my head. There is no way he could've found out... unless a friend of his saw the two of them and then told him about it.

I headed downstairs to check up on what's happening.
"Oh yeah?? I heard something else from my friend." My dad said as he crossed his arms.
"I swear it's a misunderstanding." My mum said, although it didn't really sound like she was defending herself that much.
"What's going on?" I interrupted them.
"Wait a second, Y/n." My dad said to me as he turned to my mum again. "The problem isn't that you like women too, the problem is that you nevertheless betrayed me!" My dad argued.

My mum just looked down. 'So they are arguing about it after all.', I thought to myself.
"...I guess I can't defend myself anymore. Yes, I did kiss that woman, and I love her." My mum said.
"You mean the woman in the restaurant?" I butted in again. My mum turned around, shocked.
"...how do you know about that?" She asked.
"I was there with a... friend... of mine. We ate our dinner as I saw you two, I was sitting behind you guys." I explained as she sighed.

My dad looked away from the fact that I knew that already and yelled at my mum again,"Why did you betray me? I gave you everything you asked for and still you betray me for... another woman?!" He yells.
"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to betray you like that and we weren't even a thing! She suggested to eat dinner, I didn't expect her to kiss me. But now that she did that, I know for certain. I'm not attracted to men and I will get us divorced." She argued back.

"You're... you're going to leave me for her?!" No matter what my mum said, my dad just got angrier. He probably also drank some alcohol...
He got louder and louder and closer and closer to my mum as if he was about to hit her. 'That just makes her want to leave you even more...', I thought.

The situation slowly but surely started to get out of hand. The maids and butlers were standing next to them trying to calm my dad but it didn't really work out that well.
And that right after being released from the hospital. Jeez...

After a few more moments, my dad suddenly reached into his pockets and pulled out a... gun?? Everyones eyes widened, I never even knew he had a gun.
He pointed it at my mum who immediately stiffened. "If I can't have you anymore, then that other bitch can't have you anymore as well!" He said loudly. My mum completely shut up.

Everyone around him tried to talk him out of it, but he didn't listen. That was until I stepped in.
I got in front of my mum and protected her, that was a huge risk obviously (but being Y/n meant to be special and Author-chan also needs some major drama), but I was willing to take it.
"Stop it!" I yelled at him. He seemed to finally snap out of it as he just tched and pulled the gun away. He then just walked away and everyone let out a breather.

My mum broke down and started sobbing. I hugged her as I whispered,"You shouldn't stay here tonight." I said as she nodded.
Then, she packed some of her stuff and just left. I decided in the end to text Togami-kun, since I didn't want to stay here either.



What is it.

Can I stay at your place for a while?
Family life is fucked up at the moment and I dont feel safe here at the moment

What happened?

I'll explain it to you later
Could I stay at your place?

Do you need someone to pick you up or?

No, one of our butlers probably will drive me
See you soon



I took out a small suit case and packed everything I could need. Soon, I called a butler into my room who agreed that it would be better leaving this place for a while. He drove me to Togami-kun's place and after he dropped my off, I texted Togami-kun who quickly let the door get opened.

I dragged my stuff inside as Togami-kun more or less greeted me. "So what happened?" He asked. "A long story, but I'll explain it to you." I said as he nodded.


Byakuya x Reader [edited/finished]Where stories live. Discover now