•Night at a restaurant [edited]•

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

A few hours passed by and it was finally time for the 'Togami-kun forced me to go somewhere, but I have no idea where we are actually going'. I quickly checked after everything and then got out of the guestroom I was staying at.

Togami-kun was waiting in front of the entrance for me as I walked up to him.
"Are you ready?" He asked as he turned to me. "Yes... I suppose? But where are we going anyways?" I asked.
"It's a surprise. Be a bit patient." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows but decided to not question it any further.

He looked at his watch as he spoke up,"We should get going then." He quickly said as he opened the door and headed out. I quickly followed him as he headed inside his limo. I soon joined him and then his chauffeur started driving. The way there was awfully quiet since no one spoke up but soon we arrived at a restaurant.

"A restaurant?" I asked as he nodded,"Yes, I wanted to thank you like that for the time we spent together." He said as he headed out of the limo. I quickly followed and we sat down on a table he reserved for us.

The restaurant reserved a nice view from above Tokyo, like those towers that are really high up with a restaurant? Yes, that's where we are at right now. It was really really high up which made my stomach twist a tiny little bit. Good thing we weren't sitting right next to the window area.

"So that's where you wanted to bring me? You could've just... said so you know." I told him as I sat down. "The dinner isn't the surprise yet." He said as he sat down as well.
"A surprise...? Okay..." I said confused.

Soon a waitress came and handed us the menu, I picked [insert food] and [insert drink] and then I waited for it to arrive.
"So... what's the surprise about...?" I asked him. He sighed heavily,"Haven't I already told you to be patient and wait?" He said.
"I know... but I'm just so curious." I said as he rolled his eyes,"Curiosity killed the cat. Ever heard of that saying."
"Okay, okay I get it. I have to wait." I said as I rested my head on my palm.

After a while of eating, the food arrived. While eating, no conversation was held. I guess he prefers silence while eating so I just didn't say anything either. After finishing his food off, he cleaned his mouth and excused himself to the restroom.
'The vibes right here are insensely awkward. He's just so... quiet. It's as if he's trying to show with all his might that he's better than the rest... I think liking him was probably the worst thing to happen to me.', I thought as I waited for his re-arrival.

I already finished off my dinner too, which tasted pretty good. I mean, the quality here is probably one of the highest in Japan, so that's a thing. Togami-kun soon arrived from the restroom and sat down again as I started a conversation,"What now?" I asked.
"I'll pay off the dinner and then we will head somewhere else." He coldly said.
I tilted my head,"Say, Togami-kun, why are you always so cold?" I asked.

"That's just the way I am and the way I was raised to be." He answered. "You see, I never really had time to amuse myself since I was little. I always had to fight to stay above everyone else in my family and to win. I don't have time for nonsense."
"Then why are you wasting your time to have a dinner with me?" I asked. It took a while for him to respond,"I... guess I'm trying to change something. Social interactions outside of work." He said.

I guess you could see from my face that I wasn't really pleased with his answer. In some way, he just said that he's just hanging out with me for 'social interactions outside of work'. I chuckled as I took my stuff and stood up. "Well if that's how it is, then I might as well leave." I said as I started to walk away. His eyes widened as he stood up from his chair to walk over to me. He grabbed my by my wrist as he turned me to face him.

"That's... not how I meant it. I apologise." He said as he let go of my hand. "I know exactly what you meant. Now if you excuse me, I would like to go somewhere else other than being next to you." I bluntly said as I made my way outside.
'I can't believe how dumb he is. He is such a dumb bitch, I dont ever want to see him again.', I complained inside of my head.

~3rd P.O.V.~

Byakuya looked at Y/n as they walked away. He didn't really understand how someone could be effected by someone else emotionally like that; he never really considered other people's feelings since his own feelings weren't anything important since he was little. But what he did feel was his chest tightening. He just hurt Y/n; someone he spend his entire week with. Y/n made him feel different, in a weird way. Ever since they confessed, he's been thinking about it more than he wanted to.

He had to go after them, obviously, so he quickly paid it off as quickly as he could, giving a small tip since he couldn't care less about the exchange, took his stuff and ran after them. Y/n was in front of the elevator, waiting for the elevator to arrive. They felt like a fool, tears threatening to spill out. Soon, Byakuya arrived right next to them and called out their name,"L/n-san, wait!" He loudly called.

Y/n turned around to face him, just to turn away quickly again,"What do you want?" They said. "I'm... sorry I didn't consider your feelings." He admitted. "I'm really bad at things like that... considering someone else's feelings, I mean. I never thought about other people's feelings, until I met you." He said. Y/n turned around again,"Of course you don't know how to consider someone else's feelings. You're a 'professional, head of the Togami family with much more worth than anyone else' after all." They said, feeling anger building up inside them.

Byakuya exhaled heavily, he couldn't just outgo Y/n's anger at him now. He was planning to make this night perfect, and then tell his answer to their confession in the end. This night was supposed to be special, but everything was going downhill. He was running out of ideas on what to do.


Drama wooOoOoOoOoO I love it

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