Chapter One

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Nick Mattew's POV

"Get your lazy ass up it's school time," My 'father' shouted. "Ok," I don't like to call him dad because he lost that title years ago. I decided to just lay in bed not giving a fuck.

He burst through the door with a beer boddle in his hands. "I said get up." He started to slowly walk over to my bed. I act strongly at school but at home, I cower away.

"D-dad I-I I'm sorry." I finally get out. "Please," Then he just left the room. "Ugh, I need a cigarette." I grab my bag and pull out my packet.

I jump out of the window after getting ready. I have to walk to school, why would he drive me? Arianna finally shows up after 30 minutes of me waiting.

Arianna is a wannabe, she has slept with almost every guy in the school. Almost, she is trying to sleep with me but I won't allow it. "Hey babe, can I come over tonight?"

"First, don't call me babe. Second, no how many times do I have to tell you?" I tried to say in a harsh tone. "Don't make me kick you out of this car."

"Don't make me tell all of your boyfriends you're a cheating slut." Her face made my day. "H-how do you know?" I have never laughed so hard. "Everyone knows but your boyfriends."

We rode in silence for the rest of the time. When we got to school the whole school was out in the front, like they were waiting for us.

Oh, I see, there was a line of boys, not just any boys but all of her boyfriends.

"When we parked all we heard was "ASS" or "WERE OVER" and "SLUT" But only one boy caught my eye. He was new. He looked about 5'2.

He had blond hair and blue eyes. "Nick?" Jayden said pulling me out of my daydream. "You good?" I got out of her stupid car. "Yeah, but I see a new target."

"Oh him, his name is Kai or Kayla, he is gay so yeah a great target."

Before math class

"So what's your name?" I stop the little guy. "It's um, Kai." He held his head low. "Make eye contact when someone is talking to you little one."

He nervously held his head up and looked at me straight in the eye. He's kinda cute. I could see a small blush on his cheeks. "Gay now are yah?"

He quickly dropped his head and ran. He will be easy prey. "What were you doing to him?" Arianna asked. "Leave me alone slut. I hope you liked your treat today."

"You told them?" I laughed. "Of course I did." Her eyes softened up. "Did you want me all to yourself?" She said seductively. "No, I wanted you to GO TO HELL."

She took a step back when I yelled. "I will be going." I turned around to see the principal. "My office." I huffed and walked with him. "What is going on?" He asked as I sat down.

"Nothing," He huffed. "You come to school with new cuts and bruises and your grades are horrible." I put my head down remembering the pain my father has been putting me through.

"Which is why I got you a Todor and a therapist and it is the same guy plus he is in your grade!" She said it like it was going to work. "Name?" Was all I wanted to ask. "Kai," Of fucking course.

"Do you think a person like him would help cure my depression. I have pills and cigarettes for that." Damnit I said too much. "You smoke?" I push the chair back and run out of the room.

"Nick, get back here." Not listening to her I run outside to my favorite tree in the back of the school. I need a cigarette. I was shaking, having a panic attack.

Lighter! I get out and light it. Each puff calming me more. "Smoking is not the answer." Kai stud right in front of me. "You need an inhaler no a cigarette it hurts your lungs."

"I don't care and leave me alone." He sat beside me. "I am your therapist and Tudor so it's my job to help you." Dabbing the cigarette in the dirt as my anger is rising.

"Stop, go away, I want to be alone." My anger keeps going at every word he sais. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FAG."

He sat there blankly. "Ok bye." He silently said and left. I need more. Grabbing the cigarette packet again.

I know it's bad but that is why I am writing so I can get better. I hope you like it.

Bye lovelies <3

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