Chapter 3

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Nick Mattew's POV

After school, I decided to go home. Even though I would get beat by my dad. I was right he screamed and kicked me for an hour at least breaking one rib and left me with new bruises and cuts.

I could barely move the next morning. "Nick get up." My father kicked my door down. He wanted me to call him father now on.

I make myself get up while he is still watching me. Barely being able to hold meme up I get to my closet and get an outfit. By the time he was gone, I dropped to the floor.

Crawling to my phone I decided to text Jorden.

Nick: Hey bro, I need your help can you come over?

Jorden: Shure whats up?

Nick: Tell you when you get here. Go through my window.

Jorden: Ok.

This was probably his hundredth time helping me but not in this way. Normally I tell him I fell down the stairs but I knew he would never believe that.

15 minutes later there was a slight knock on my window. I motioned him to open it quietly. "What happened to you? Fall down the stairs again?" He picked me up putting me on my bed.

"No, uh my uh." I started. "My dad happen." His face fell. "What do you mean?" He quickly sat beside me. "All those times I needed your help was because of my dad but right now I need to go to the hospital."

"Explain in the car."

"Now how do we get out without your dd seeing us." I smiled for the first time in a long time. "We hide till he comes to see if I went to school then we wait till his car leaves go move your car real quick."

He did so. As he was moving his car I went under my bed and hid because I heard his footsteps. I quickly texted Jorden to go around the neighborhood.

"Nick?" My dad called. He checked the bathroom before he left. I waited to text him again until he left.

Nick: He is gone come on.

Jorden: Ok I'm coming.

It only took him 5 minutes to get to me. "Sorry man but I have to carry you bridle style." I laid down on my bed waiting for him to pick me up. "We tell no one about this."

"Agreed no explain." He put me in the passenger's seat. I winced in pain when he set me down. "So, it all started when my mom died. He became a drug addict and always had alcohol so he started to abuse me after that."

"Why did you not tell me?" I slid down wincing in pain again looking to the floor. "I didn't want to bring you into it." He huffed and rolled his eyes. "I am your bro, tell me everything from now on okay?"

"You know I'm not good with sappy shit but okay." The rest of the ride was him asking questions and me answering. "We are here but guess what?"

"No, I will walk." He got out and picked me up anyway. "Come on," I whined. "I don't care I want to help you." So I just laid my head down. "Don't tell anyone that my father abuses me."

"But.." I slapped him. "Don't tell anyone" He nodded. We got some looks going into the hospital but that okay. Once we got a room he finally put me down. "So what happened?" the doctor asked.

"I fell down the stairs at home." She nodded writing something down on a piece of paper. "Where are your parents?" Jorden looked at me mouthing, "What are you gonna do?"

"My parents died and I live with my husband." I pointed to Jorden. "I'm sorry," All I had was a broken rib so I would be fine. "You are not carrying me this time."

"Fine," But as I got up I just fell to his arms. "Ok, carry me," He picked me up and took me to the car. "Thanks, man." He nodded. "I got you." He took us to his house till school was supposed to be over.

Hello, lovelies! I'm trying to male it kinda fun. But IKD if it's working so yeah.

Bye lovelies <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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