A Deal With a Stranger

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"But how can a stranger like me help you?" you ask him as you wipe the blood off his face.

"D-Don't think I don't know who you are. You're y/n, wanted for the destruction of forty-two buildings and the death of over a thousand." he says with a frown.

His grip on you tightens as you look at him in fear. How can this be? You're unrecognizable now....how does he know?

"B-but I'm not here to take you away or a-anything, I know those 1000 people aren't dead. No one believes me of course but, I'd like to help you clear your name." He smiles softly.

"So p-please, use your quirk to heal me" he sits up and grabs your other arm while staring deep into your eyes.

You can't help but blush as you put your hands on his chest. It's so strong...and warm.

"I'll do it, but....in order for my quirk to work you have to...........kiss me." You say nervously while looking down at your shoes.

You hope that he doesn't know exactly how you're quirk works. Suddenly you hear giggling and you look up.
"Ok then, kiss me" he says while laughing. You lean in and....
A green glow covers both of you as your lips meet. This is the moment you've been waiting for your entire life.....and just like that it's over. His lips were fluffy and a bit cold, probably from the loss of blood. You step back and look at him with wide eyes. You place your hand on your face as you blush intensely. He gives you a smug grin as he says.

"I also know that's not how your quirk works. But I must admit that was kinda....nice."

That beautiful sparkle was back in his sapphire eyes. It was so pretty you thought as you got really dizzy. The next thing you know you're on the ground.
"I'm sorry, I know that rebuilding my broken bones and stopping the bleeding must've been really hard on you." said a worried voice.
You couldn't open your eyes but it felt as if someone was holding you. So warm....and cuddly......and smelled so nice.

"I'm, Mirio by the way. Mirio Togata. B-But you can call me Mirio" said the voice again as he stroked your face with his large, rough fingers.

You reached out a hand to feel his face. Mirio leaned in so you could touch him. "M-My M-Mirio" you mumbled before passing out once more.

This time you awake in a cold hospital bed. You look around and see no one there. Was it all just a dream? You're startled as a nurse walks in to check on you. Before she can say anything you ask her

"WHO BROUGHT ME HERE?!" The Nurse gives you a perplexed look and then smiles. "A dashing young hero named Lemillion." She says as she starts blushing.
So Mirio brought you here huh? Why did he just leave? Will you ever see each other again?
"HEY NURSE DID MIRIO LEAVE ANYTHING FOR ME!?" You scream anxiously as you break the nurse out of her trance.
"Oh he did tell me to give this to you" she says as she hands you a little yellow envelope.
Inside is a small note.
"Meet me outside the McRonald's around the corner today at 3pm" it read. There was a little heart at the end beside his signature.
"How cute" you thought to yourself as you put it away.

"Thank you mam" you say to the startled nurse.

"Make sure to get lots of rest before you leave at 3, ok?" she says as she begins to leave.

How did she know you were leaving at that time? The envelope hasn't even been opened yet.
"X-ray vision" the nurse says laughing as she closes the door. You wonder what Mirio wants to talk to you about. He's a busy hero, what's so important that he had to talk to you personally?

Sapphire Eyes: Mirio x Reader🙄💛Where stories live. Discover now