It Was Time

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       Your alarm rings and you reach over to turn in off. You pull off the grey bedsheets that had kept you warm all night. You look at the spot beside where you were laying. There's no one there of course, for now. Unless it was all a dream. Hey, would Mirio Togata ask you to marry him? It doesn't make sense you thought to yourself as you began to get dressed. What should you wear to fight a powerful villain? You don't have a hero costume. You grab a pastel blue hoodie and some shorts then quickly put them on. You wouldn't want to be late for a fight.
   "Y/N WHERE WERE YOU?!" Mirio yellled as he ran to greet you. "I was afraid you wouldn't show up?" he gave you a sad look before smiling slyly.
He was wearing his skin tight hero costume with a red cape. You couldn't help but look his abs. You never realized how fit and strong he really was. He suddenly picks you up with his big, muscular arms and spins you around.
"I love you y/n! I love y/n! Love! Love! Love!" he laughed as he held you up with ease.
"P-put me down" you ordered quietly.
"Put her down." said a stern voice from behind.
Mirio's smile quickly disappeared as he set you down slowly. He turned around to face where the voice was coming from and fixed his shiny golden hair. He stood in front of you as if to shield you from something. Could this be Izuku Midoriya? Your thoughts were interrupted by Mirio's voice.
"Good morning Sir Nighteye" he said loudly.

Who's this Sir Nighteye? Maybe his mentor? The name seemed very familiar.

"I'm here to wish you luck, on your last mission" Nighteye practically whispered the last part.

What could he mean by "last mission"? Was Mirio getting fired? Is it because of you?
Or could he mean-

The mall parking lot was engulfed in dust.

"Y/n! Y/n where are you!" Mirio yelled frantically as he waved his arms around.
It was time.

Sapphire Eyes: Mirio x Reader🙄💛Where stories live. Discover now