Listen Closely

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      "There's rumours that Izuku will be targeting a large shopping mall downtown sometime tomorrow." Mirio said now putting his drink down.

That was so soon....will you even have time to get ready? You haven't used your quirk in months. Well except for that time with Mirio but still....can you do it?

"It's basically a suicide mission. What am I saying" Mirio rubbed his temples and he frowned. "You shouldn't have to do this, this isn't your fault it's-"

You grabbed his hand and squeezed it as you leaned in and  kissed him.
"I can do anything if I have you, Mirio" you whispered in his ear before sitting back down. "I love you Mirio Togata. I always have and I always will. I'm your biggest fan and never miss a single one of your interviews." you tell him seriously.

He stares at you in shock and begins to redden.
"Listen closely then dear, if you can help me save Izuku.....I'll throw in a little bonus. We can...g-get married. Of course, it's a bit sudden and we only just met but, I feel like we're meant to be. I promise....I swear on my life. Do we have a deal" he said quietly while smiling at you slyly.

Tears start forming in your eyes and your lip begins to quiver. Mirio's smile gets blurrier as hot tears roll down your cheeks. He reaches out a finger and wipes them off.

"D-deal." you stutter. You continue to sob as Mirio strokes your face gently with a warm smile. These are tears of joy of course....since it's a dream come true.
"I can't wait to get married!" You give him a huge grin.
He's startled by your cuteness and looks away.
"S-sure, who wouldn't wanna marry a pretty person like you?" he murmured quietly.
You both started laughing and enjoyed your evening, completely forgetting what would happen tomorrow. Who knows, maybe this will be your final night together.

Sapphire Eyes: Mirio x Reader🙄💛Where stories live. Discover now