No Light In Those Sapphire Eyes

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      Mirio looked at you with wide eyes and a soft smile. He coughed blood quietly as he took his hand off his heart. He held out his hand weakly to reveal a red bullet.

"It's a...q..q..uirk remover. E..e..ven if you h-heal me with your matter manipulation quirk, I'll be powerless." He whispered gently. "And you need to save your energy to fight Izuku."

Warm tears rolled down your face as you picked up the bloody bullet with a tremblingly hand. Mirio's eyes began to lose color and the sparkle in his sapphire eyes began to dim. You looked behind him and still couldn't see Izuku. This meant you still had time. You held Mirio in your arms and stroked his hair. It was time to talk.

         "I've loved you for the longest time Mirio. You've always been my inspiration and my motivation to become a hero. I love everything about you! Your ocean blue eyes and your golden hair. I adore the way you talk and your soft giggles. I wish we could've met earlier.....I wish you could've saved me before I hurt all those people. Now you're the one that got hurt. Maybe I'm a one should have my kind of power....I don't deserve it anyways. P-Please don't leave me Mirio!!!" You sobbed as you place your head on his shoulder.

He looked up at you weakly and wiped your tears.
"Silly, y/n! I'm no hero. I'm a nobody. I'm dying because I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your love. Please don't idolize me. I'm not a good guy, I've done some bad things in the past." He smiled but you knew he didn't mean that grin.
He was forcing himself to be happy, for your sake.
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise y/n. Maybe in a different life or another dimension....maybe even another reality....well what I'm trying to say is...I'll make it up to you! Let's get married y/n!! Maybe not now....maybe not tomorrow or next week or in ten years but....we'll meet again! A-And maybe n..n..nex..t can save m-me!" Mirio whispered faintly into your ear.

He looked at you and put your foreheads together. His once beautiful eyes were a murky blue. He looked as if he was holding back tears. Mirio grabbed the back of your head as he leaned in and kissed you.

          It felt so good that you could stay like that for all eternity. You forgot about the fight. You forgot about being a villain. You forgot that Mirio was dying. Mirio's lips were cold as ice as he slipped off and fell to the ground. You checked his pulse as you moved his bangs and stroked his face. There was no pulse. He was dead. Tears rolled down your face as you reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"You're gone, and I've had it." You said under your breath as you put his hand down. Carefully resting his head on the ground, you got up and dusted yourself off as you went to go look for Izuku.

     "Oh there you are! Where's your boyfriend? Dead I presume? I hope so." he laughed maniacally as he prepared to strike once more...but he couldn't.
His arm had vanished. All of Izuku's limbs began to disappear until he was nothing but a head and a torso.

"Listen here, bitch." You screamed as tears flew off your face and you hair swung in the wind. "You took my EVERYTHING from me!! So now, I'll take everything from you. Or so you'd think. I can't live in a world without Mirio. There also can't be a world where you're this powerful....and this evil. Mirio and I can't exist in the same place....we just cannot coexist in the same universe. I shouldn't have this power. So how about....I make a new dimension?! Another reality like Mirio said!" You cackled as Izuku looked up at you in shock .

"But, no one has that kind of power!" He cried out as he wriggled around.

"Oh but I do! I've done it before! And I'll do it again!!! What do you think happened to all those people I supposedly killed? They're not dead! I'm many things but I'm certainly no murderer. Say goodbye to this hell! Goodbye my love, farewell Mirio." You shrieked as a greeen glow engulfed the area.

         You wake up and see your Mirio figurine staring at you.
"My Mirio" you whisper as you stroke its face. It felt so familiar.

Sapphire Eyes: Mirio x Reader🙄💛Where stories live. Discover now