Only You

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        It's really cold today and you're wearing a cozy, beige trench coat and a black scarf. You quickly spot the smiling Mirio a couple tables in front of you. He's wearing a red beanie and a black coat over a grey sweater.
"I...l-like your scarf" he murmurs nervously.
"Th-thank you. Your red beanie is....nice" you all but whisper while blushing.
You have a seat as you watch the shy smile disappear from his face. He sits up straight and looks you in the eyes as he takes a sip of his coffee. Suddenly he scrunches up his face in disgust.
"Ewwwwww I hate coffee. I'm sorry I ordered this to seem mature and smart and stuff b-" Mirio begins to explain quickly.
"Don't worry, we can trade" you say laughing as you take his drink and replace it with your hot chocolate "There, all better."
"You didn't have to but....thanks" he says while looking up at you shyly. He clenches the beverage as he regains his serious composure once more.

"Y/N, I didn't tell you why I landed on your windshield that day. The reason for that was....a close friend of mine...recently went rogue. I was sent to get him back and help him become a real pro hero seems he has something else in mind. He's incredibly powerful and right now, he's not thinking straight. So I'd like your help. Only you can stop Izuku Midoriya from destroying Japan." He stopped to take a sip of his hot chocolate.

Where had you heard that name before? Izuku Midoriya.....who is he? Then you realize, All Might's successor is named Izuku Midoriya. Your eyes widen and your jaw drops as you realize. As if reading your mind, or actually your reaction, Mirio nods his head.
"Yes, the Izuku that inherited One for All. As you probably, know it's an incredibly powerful quirk. But your quirk might just be able to match it." he said with soft smile.

Is this what he meant by helping you clear your name? You'd have to defeat the most powerful hero? Or rather, the most powerful villain?

"If you were to defeat him, the whole world would praise you and you'd be a hero! A saviour! The All Powerful Y/N has a nice ring to it does it not?" Mirio explained as he clenched his cup tightly.

You could tell he was scared. Was he worried about you? Probably not, but nonetheless you had to comfort him. You grabbed his hands and squeezed them as you looked at his dark blue eyes. There was a certain sadness and pain in them that was hidden by a cheery personality and a happy smile. Heroes have emotions, too.

"I'll do it Mirio. I'll save Japan. I'll save Izuku. I'll save you." You mumbled the last part under your breath so Mirio couldn't hear you that well.

He didn't quite get what you meant by "I'll save you." But then again neither did you.
Only you could pull this off.

Sapphire Eyes: Mirio x Reader🙄💛Where stories live. Discover now