I Want You to Care (Ciel Phantomhive x Fiancee!Reader)

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(Y/N)- Your Name

(H/C)- Hair Color

Steam from your tea wafted upwards, filling your nose with the strong aroma and enticing you to drink it

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Steam from your tea wafted upwards, filling your nose with the strong aroma and enticing you to drink it. The warm liquid sloshed in the cup as you slid it away from you, you couldn't stand to eat or drink anything. Not while Ciel and Sebastian were god knows where doing god knows what, getting shot at or worse, your mind was filled with worries about what could go wrong. Soma, who was currently sitting beside you, noticed your pale face and hesitantly placed his hand on top of yours

"Don't worry about him, (Y/N), he has Sebastian with him, so he will be fine." Your mind flashed to the red eyed demon, the contract, and the fact that someday he would consume Ciel's soul. The thoughts only made your heart constrict further, nevertheless, you gave Soma a small grateful smile

"I know, I just can't help it, but thank you." He smiled softly and squeezed your hand reassuringly. The warmth from his hand brought a small shred of comfort to your fast beating heart. You heard the lounge room door squeak as it opened and your heart leapt, hoping that it was Ciel, but it soon quieted when Agni walked into the room carrying a small tray. He set the tray down beside you and your eyes scanned it, finding only a small bowl of soup. Agni's worried eyes met yours as he glanced at you sadly

"My lady, you have to eat something." Your mouth opened as you were about to decline, but you were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening downstairs. You smiled a real smile, the first one that had decorated your face in days, and dashed towards the foyer. Upon reaching your destination you were overjoyed to find Ciel standing there, safe and sound, with Sebastian by his side. Your relieved sigh must have caught his attention because Ciel looked upwards, meeting your eyes.

You took the steps three at a time, desperate to get to your fiancé. He stumbled slightly as you tackled him in a warm hug, a hug he didn't reciprocate. When you finally let go his bored stare didn't falter for a moment, as if he hadn't even cared that he had been away from you. Shaking off the cold feeling that settled in the pit of your stomach, your smile softened

"Oh Ciel, I've missed you so much!" You went to cup his face, but a quiet smack echoed in the room as he lightly slapped your hand away. As surprise painted your face, he simply gave you a cold look

"I'm tired. Leave me be." As Ciel brushed past you to walk up the stairs your eyes shot to Sebastian, hoping for some clarity on the situation, but he seemed just as surprised as you. The air seemed to disappear from your lungs, but you had to relax. He probably just had a hard case, and that was why he was being so cold towards you. After thanking Sebastian for getting Ciel home safe you walked upstairs to your room, hoping that he would be out of whatever mood he was stuck in when the sun came up...

 After thanking Sebastian for getting Ciel home safe you walked upstairs to your room, hoping that he would be out of whatever mood he was stuck in when the sun came up

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