Pocky (William x Reaper!Reader)

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(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N)- Last Name

Trigger Warning: Sexual Themes

I shouldn't have agreed to this, I shouldn't have agreed to this, I shouldn't have agreed to this that was just about the only thought that was running through your mind, well, that and 'holy shit I can't believe I'm about to do this!'

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I shouldn't have agreed to this, I shouldn't have agreed to this, I shouldn't have agreed to this that was just about the only thought that was running through your mind, well, that and 'holy shit I can't believe I'm about to do this!'

You were currently sitting on your couch in the living room, fidgeting with the soft fabric of your work-issued gloves. In hindsight, inviting your coworkers over for game night wasn't the best idea. You had thought they would suggest playing poker! Or monopoly! Not.....this......

Alan had explained to you that it was the 'Pocky Game' where two people bite opposite ends of a Pocky stick and, on the go, start biting it as fast as they can, the one who has consumed the most of the stick wins.

You had heard of the game, but had never played it before. It sounded like fun, if you were doing it with your friends and not your coworkers, including your boss. Inviting William over had seemed like a good idea, you figured that it would loosen him up or maybe put him in a better mood, but now that you were playing a game where you might have to kiss him? Let's just say that you were less than thrilled.

You liked him. Like, liked him liked him but there was no way in hell that he liked you back or that you would ever admit to this. It would definitely not be good for your reputation if everyone found out that you had a schoolgirl crush on your boss, it was like the biggest cliche ever!

You could hear scuffling and an argument coming from the kitchen, where Grell and Ronald were trying to convince William to willingly play the game. You heard Grell's singsong voice come from there, it was barely perceptible but you managed to catch what she said

"Oh come on! (Y/N) will be there~" (Y/N)? Why does it matter if I'll be playing? Your eyebrows scrunched together as you thought, you almost didn't notice that the trio had entered, Grell looking triumphant, Ronald holding the Pocky, and William grumbling about this being unprofessional. Ronald threw himself on the couch beside you and held up the box of Pocky, startling you out of your thoughts

"So, who's ready to play!"

"Not me." You mumbled, much to everyone's amusement. Grell waltzed over and wrapped her arms around you

"I promise you that it won't be that bad~" strands of your hair shifted as you sighed

"Well then, let's get started, I guess..." Alan gave you a reassuring smile and grabbed the shiny glass bowl that rested on the coffee table

"Ok, so how we're going to choose pairs is we're going to all write our names on different slips of paper in this bowl and whoever's name you draw out is your partner! The person to the left of the winner chooses next! Everyone understand?" After a series of nods around the room, Eric pulled out a notepad and began passing around slips of paper. You scribbled your name down and folded it, tossing the slip into the bowl and hoping to god that nobody would pull it.

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