Hot Tea (Claude x Noble!Reader)

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(F/T)- Favorite Tea

(Y/N)- Your Name

You were never really an outgoing girl, you preferred being alone

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You were never really an outgoing girl, you preferred being alone. Crowds were always too close, always trying to get something from you. Usually when people talked to you it was to elevate their own social standing, dig up dirt on your brother, or get into your pants. None of those things were particularly appealing to you.

Your brother, Alois, didn't like it much either, he was very protective and wasn't too fond of those who crossed you. Let's just say, when someone was really disrespectful to you, they mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

Most of your life you spent alone or with Alois, but you didn't mind, the quiet was nice and, if you needed someone to talk to or just some noise in general, Alois was content to babble on about the newest thing he was interested in. In all honesty, you also preferred the company of his servants to the company of menacing strangers.

Hannah was shy and soft spoken, but she was always kind to you and a fierce protectiveness over your brother. The triplets didn't talk out loud much, but they did talk to you. You were just about the only person that they would let hear them, and you found their little remarks hilarious. Then there was Claude...

At first the two of you didn't like each other very much, he saw you as an interference with his lunch, considering that you could calm the burning hate that had drawn Claude to Alois's soul, and you hated him for what was to happen to your brother, hated the thought of his soul being swallowed up by the butler.

Eventually, though, you had come to an understanding of one another. You understood that it was Alois's choice that led him here and that Claude had to eat somehow, Claude understood that it was your duty as a sister to lead Alois down the right path, and that hatred and revenge wasn't that path. Over time, the two of you even managed to be a variation of friends.

You would listen to him talk out his frustrations with other servants and a man named Sebastian Michaelis, while he would listen to you talk about your new interests or your own frustrations with certain people. He would bring you tea and snacks, even when you didn't ask for it, and you would help him with chores, even though he didn't need it. Sometimes you even managed to get Alois to stop focusing on Claude, because you knew that it annoyed him.

You had gotten to know each other's likes and dislikes, little quirks and tells. You knew that Claude loathed crows and he had a habit of dancing while doing tasks. He knew that you hated being woken up early on the weekends and that you would fiddle with your gloves when you were lying. Those understandings are what got you in this mess in the first place.

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