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Denki pov:

This friend group was nice. Everyone has a different personality and contributes to the conversation differently. If we were going to be apart of this friend group, I can already tell that mina will be the mom friend.

"Girl, names and addresses. Right now." Mina said with a glare, slamming her hands on the table. Tsu giggled, croaking slightly after, making her laughter immediately stop as she stared at her lap.

"Sorry..." the green haired girl apologised, avoiding eye contact. Mina slumped back in her seat, crossing her arms. She glared at the girl for a few seconds in silence before gently tapping the table and gaining the other girls attention.

"Dont apologise for something beautiful." Mina said, her glare fading into a soft smile. Tsu's lips parted in shock as a faint pink blush spread across her face. Her eyes twitched slightly and looked glossy as she stared at the pink haired girl in awe.

"T-thanks, kero." She mumbled with a soft smile on her face. My eyed darted between the two as a smug grin spread across my face and I elbowed sero.

"Lesbians!" I whisper yelled. Mina happened to overhear and she glared at me with a sigh.

"Dont be ridiculous. Its girls supporting girls! And it's not like I was lying." She said, all the other girls nodding, showering tsu in compliments.

The overwhelmed tsu was saved by the bell as the students dispersed out the hall and on the separate paths. I followed mina as she waved goodbye to the girls and we walked through the halls.

"I dont really feel like going to class if I can't find shinsou." I whined, my shoulders dropping as I frowned.

"How about we ditch?" Mina suggested, a sly smirk on her face as her eyes darted around the empty halls. After making sure the coast was clear,she leaned in my ear and whispered.

"Let's go invisible and prank some bullys!" She whispered excitedly. My head perked up and I bounced on the balls of my feet giddily.

We both uncontrollably giggled as we ran into an empty closet and turned invisible, better safe than sorry! We cautiously tiptoed out of the closet, shushing eachothers giggles.

We roamed around the halls for a little while, peaking in the classrooms to see if our humans were in there anywhere but to no avail.

"Mina this is kinda pointless. I'm changing back!" I sighed, hiding behind a locker as I turned into my "human" form and sulking.

"Yeah I guess-" before mina had a chance to change, loud footsteps echoed closer and we started fumbling around panicked.

"Neito, please! Dont do this-" a loud thud stopped the pleading and I gulped. I edged closer,peeking around the corner, mina floating in the air above me, Invisible to the human eye.

"Hitoshi, stop! I. Dont. Like. You!" The blonde stood over the heartbroken boy, laying on the ground, a hand to his cheek.

"What? That's not- you said you loved me..."Tears welling up in his eyes but he blinked them back.

"Well, guess what?" He snarled. "I lied." Shinsou stared at the boy above him in utter agony as the blonde turned on his heel and stormed away.

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