Chapter Four

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"The key to hiding one's identity is beyond her comprehension, I'm afraid," Dumbledore mused as he observed his collection of extracted memories, neatly stored in glass bottles.

He'd been collecting them for longer than anyone could remember, and not even the professor was sure how many he had stored in his office. Valuable moments, carefully extracted and kept, were one of his most prized possessions.

"You're underestimating the girl," Nymphadora Tonks objected. A young witch, who was in training to become an Auror, visited her old school the day before the Winter break.

"Perhaps. And what will we tell her parents?" Dumbledore inquired, grabbing one of the empty memory bottles.

"That she is being trained by the ministry," Tonks quickly came up with a lie as she grabbed a quill and a white piece of paper.

"I don't think she'll leave willingly," Dumbledore confided, as he lifted his wand to extract the memory of their conversation.

"It's for our safety, professor," Tonks insisted on her initial proposal.

They sat down, carefully wording out two very different letters. The first one was sent to Elara's parents, explaining how the Ministry is recruiting talented students and that an Auror noticed her potential.

"To Mr and Mrs Dotson,

I am pleased to inform you that your daughter Elara Morgaine Dotson has been selected by the Ministry of Magic to undertake a distinguished training.

She has shown remarkable talent and a passion for prospering in the wizarding community. Your daughter will be taught by Alastor Moody, a renowned and skilled Auror at the Ministry.

As the new classes begin soon, this will be effective immediately. Your daughter will be moved to confidential housing, guarded, and protected.

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Albus Dumbledore


"And what if they disagree with it?" McGonagall queried as she entered his office.

"They will see it as a great opportunity for her future," Tonks assured her.

"I'm positive they will believe that their daughter will be working for the Ministry in no time, taking care of them financially," Dumbledore added, "as you and I both know they have been...struggling in that department."

McGonagall wasn't pleased when she was told that one of her brightest students was to be shipped off to be trained by the Ministry. She hasn't had a particularly good relationship with them, as they tended to intervene in her profession.

"I will let Slytherin prefect alert her of the decision in the morning," McGonagall finally gave in.

"I'm afraid she'll need to come with me tonight," Tonks spoke up, "Ministry's orders."

Elara hadn't been asleep for long when the bedroom doors slowly opened. She'd had a long day and was excited to be going home the following day. Wintertime was her favorite part of the year, as she spent her days outside, playing in the snow with some of her friends. There was something about flying around when it was snowing, even though Madam Hooch rarely allowed it. Now Slytherins newest seeker, she spent her free time practicing for quidditch or visiting Madam Pomfrey and quizzing her about various topics.

She enjoyed her time and Hogwarts and had a secret countdown every time she went back to her childhood house, wishing it was time to board the train back.

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