Chapter Fourteen

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Instead of letting go of Draco's slippery hand, she held tighter onto it, much to his and Anthony's surprise. She flipped and lost her balance as if someone threw a bowling ball at her, falling off.

"Arresto Momentum!" Draco cast a charm, focused at the space beneath them. And nothing happened.

Twisting and turning in mid-air, Elara looked for her wand, which was tucked into her sock, while holding onto Draco. She knew they didn't have long until they crashed against the ground, or worse, straight into the water which would no doubt rip their bodies apart upon impact.

"ARRESTO MOMENTUM!" Draco shouted with terror in his voice, this time casting it somewhat successfully. The charm was used to slow the velocity of an object, meaning they would hit the grounds at a much slower speed, possibly saving their lives.But as Draco casted the charm stressed and ridden with anxiety, it didn't reach its full potential, as the two crashed against the trees, scratching and ripping apart their robes.

They both heard Calico screeching nearby, trying to save them with Anthony on his back, desperate to find them. Thistle never stopped flying, as he flew away with Pansy on his back, still trying to shake her off.

Even after they crashed against the tree and the branches scratched them badly, Draco and Elara didn't let go of each other. They were now both shouting in agony, hoping they would reach the grounds soon. The trees managed to cushion the blow, saving them from much more dire injuries which could cost them their lives. A larger branch smacked Draco's head, knocking him unconscious, while Elara began to hold onto parts of the tree to slow them down.

Anthony had already landed and was screaming their names, while Calico flew around, screeching intangible sounds. He saw them fall above a bushy forest area, which made him think they still had a chance, and he was convinced either Elara or Draco would have used some sort of a charm to protect themselves. He had seen them both excel in their classes, constantly beating each other at the highest grade point average.And since he had heard branches cracking and leaves rustling violently, he assumed they had hit the trees instead of bare grounds or the waters.

"Aaaargh!" Anthony's neck twisted around so fast as soon as he heard Elara's shout, as she crashed onto the ground. Running in her direction, he noticed she had fallen on top of Draco, who had just woken up.

"Are you okay?!" Anthony placed his hands on Elara's shoulders, slowly lifting her up from Draco.

Her left arm was still locked shut with Draco's, and she caressed his cheek with her other hand to wake him up. He blinked a couple of times, having lost himself in her watery eyes. Noticing a nasty cut on her cheek, he reached for it, but stopped as Anthony lifted her away from him.

"Did you break anything?" Anthony began inspecting every inch of her body, making her grow restless.

"Even if I had, you would've made it worse! Why the hell would you lift someone who had just fallen 600 feet from the sky?!" Elara fumed, trying to walk away from him. A sharp pain shot through her leg as she swore and nearly tripped over herself. Taking off her already ruined robe, they all gasped at the size of her cut below her knee, and Elara had to look away as she couldn't stand the sight of seeing her blood.

"Malfoy, you good?" Elara checked on Draco, who was still lying on the ground, frowning at her nasty injury.

"It was because of you, you little shit!" Anthony launched himself towards him, his fist clenched tightly as he grabbed Draco's robe.

"Stop it!" Elara hopped on her good leg towards them, reaching for Anthony's golden hair. But instead of pulling his locks out, Anthony stopped in place, his fist relaxing as his hand fell down to his body.

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