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fifth letter.

dear shouyou,

your usual jumps are awesome. i can't get used to it, so i get surprised every time. you look really cool. i wanted to play volleyball with you but it looks like you already have plans with your teammates.

kenma kozume


kenma quickly put down his notebook at the sound of tetsuro wandering around his classroom. he didn't want tetsuro to know how he writes about him.

"so, you followed my advice huh?" tetsuro smirked, snatching the hidden notebook away from kenma's grip.

"ugh, shut up about it." kenma failed to hide the notebook, so he ignored tetsuro's wild reactions about his thoughts.

tetsuro smiled softly at the smaller male, giving his notebook back properly. "we should play volleyball with the others. but, you stopped when you got severely injured, are you okay now?"

kenma hesitantly nods. he did miss volleyball, he missed being a setter for his teammates. he packed up his things and followed tetsuro to the boy's changing room.

changing room:

"oi, oi. kenma!" his teammates gathered and hugged him with fake cries, while he just stood there with his usual poker face. "thanks for welcoming me back. i'm fine now." he quietly said.

"that's great! let's warm up first!" lev cheered, tying up his shoes.

at the highschool gymnasium.

kenma finished warming up with his team, grabbing the towel to wipe off his sweat.


shit. kenma looked towards his right to see a tangerine-like boy jumping around, running towards his direction. "KOZUME-SENPA-"

"just kenma, hinata," he interrupts, keeping his cool. the boy nods, "okay, then call me shouyou too!"

kenma found the shouting adorable while he jumps, so everytime shouyou approaches him like that, public or not, he didn't mind.

which is the thing kenma does only for shouyou, but not for someone else.

seeing someone else jumping around and shouting his name non-stop just to approach him makes him feel embarrassed, or annoyed.

but shouyou's different.

it's hella adorable to kenma.

"you're playing volleyball?!" kenma made eye-contact with the younger, shouyou's eyes were filled with stars, kenma stayed silent.

he's lost in his eyes, suddenly. they were beautiful. it's even more beautiful when he smiles brightly, he's irresistable.

"..-enma? kenma! kenmaaaaa," shouyou started to cup kenma's cheeks, too close.

"o-oh, uh, sorry.. yes, i play volleyball."

"that's so cool! toss to me! toss!" shouyou yelled as he backed away, moving behind the net. kenma laughed, mumbling a short sentence before catching up with the tangerine, "he's so cute."

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