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sixth letter.

dear shouyou,

i can toss to you anytime. it's just.. you smile so widely, your eyes were like, sparkling whenever you see the ball up in the air. it's so beautiful. keep smiling, please. you dunno how it feels like to see someone you like smiling everytime. it feels magical.

kenma kozume


at six in the evening, kenma sat on the bench nearby the school's field, his arms hugging his knees while his hands play with his current video game. he's not yet ready to go home.


aaand, he lost his game. kenma sighed, not wanting to groan loudly in front of a random person.

well, not really a random person.

"shouyou? what's wrong?" kenma rushed to keep his video game inside his backpack, letting shouyou sit and lean on his shoulder.

kenma felt his cheeks flush at the sudden contact. "are you okay?" he asked again, concerned.

"yeah.. just tired. haven't had enough sleep these past few days," shouyou responded, rubbing both his arms due to the cold air surrounding their place.

"don't tire yourself. you should rest," kenma advised, running his fingers through shouyou's hair.

"mm, feels nice." shouyou leaned closer to kenma's neck, too tired to freak out with their closure.

kenma didn't know what to do, so he awkwardly wrapped his arm around shouyou's shoulders, humming a tune to let the tangerine fall asleep.

"oh would you look at that, kenma is finally growing up," morisuke wiped his small tear, hiding behind the bushes with tetsuro and taketora.

"he is! i knew it. he has a thing for that tangerine baby," taketora whispered, still punching up in the air while grinning in happiness.

since kenma's not the type to fall in love and to pay attention to anyone that long, it's a new thing for his team.

"shut up! let's go before he sees us!" tetsuro grinned as well, sneaking away from the two small boys.

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